Chapter 7

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[Main character] ran after the Dragon, trying to catch her breath. She looked down to see the Rabbit, running next to her.

"You talked! In my mind! How?" she asked him.

"My power. Do not underestimate the Rabbit, child."

"Don't call me a child!" she grumbled.

"Oh, but you are a child." the Rabbit said, his tone light and playful.

"If we weren't chasing the Dragon right now I would totally uh-wait what would I do to you? Nevermind. You get the point."

"Sure. Go ahead, child."

[Main character] ran ahead of him, straining to catch a glimpse of the Celestial Temples.

The Dragon was already there. There were twelve statues, arranged in a circle, the tiger statue faintly glowing, and the glow of the Ox's statue slowly fading away. [Main character] looked up at the sky, and saw a full moon.

"It's nearly the Year of the Tiger." she breathed, stepping towards the statues.

"Yes, it is." the Dragon said. "The other animals will be coming soon, ready to see the Tiger claim his place, and roar from the clouds."

The Dragon turned towards [Main Character], an evil glint in it's eyes.

"And this year, I will be the one to roar. The Year of the Tiger shall be mine!"

The Rabbit came first, out of breath and panting.

"Dragon! You can't! Every animal deserves it's rightful place. And for you to take the Tiger's spot, you'll have to-"

"Yes. I'll take away the Tiger's powers. The human needs to die." The Dragon said, that steely glint growing brighter.

The Tiger's statue started crumbling, as if it was sensing [Main character]'s fear.

The Rat came next, scrambling in and standing in front of his statue. The Rat's statue glowed brightly, and disappeared, the Rat growing bigger in size by the second.

"Hello, Rabbit, Dragon." He said, acknowledging the other animals with a nod.

The Ox came in second, growing bigger in size as his statue disappeared.

"Who is this human?" The Ox thundered, voice echoing through the empty temples.

"Ox, this is the Tiger." The Rabbit said.

"Yes, the Tiger. The Tiger is now a pitiful human child. I suppose I could take his spot, just for one year." The Dragon said, sneer growing bigger.

"We must wait for the others. Only then can we decide on what to do." the Rat said.

"Rat, they cannot come until the Tiger claims his place." Rabbit said.

"Ah, but he can't. He is a human. You must let me claim my spot." the Dragon argued.

[Main character] walked towards the Dragon, waves of fury spilling out of her, right into his trap. A large metal cage fell on top of her, trapping her. [Main character] instantly felt weaker, her strength ebbing out of her.

"No!" she shouted, the last of her strength leaving her.

[Main character], you have to summon your anger. Turn into the Tiger. This is your last chance. You have to turn into the Tiger. The Rabbit said in her mind.

[Main character] scrunched up her face, desperately trying to summon the ancient Tiger that was inside of her.

"Well, [Main character]? Any last words?" The Dragon said, arrogant expression growing wider.

The Dragon walked towards the cage and unlocked it, his talons flying out. He launched himself at the Tiger, only for it to slip away.

"What?" he said, confused.

[Main character] was now a glowing, orange Tiger, restored to full strength, as the Dragon was now the one in the cage. She had thought about the Dragon, and Aunt Yang, and all of the people that had ruined everything for her.

"What about you, Dragon. What are your last words?" she said, fury overriding her self-control. "All those years. You turned me into a human, out of sheer jealousy. Why?"

Her fury turned into hurt. "Everyone likes the Tiger. Why don't you?"

The Dragon struggled inside the cage.

"For that exact reason. Everyone likes the Tiger. No one realizes that the Dragon is just as good, maybe even better." he snarled.

The Tiger roared, though it was a half-hearted roar.

"The statue! Tiger, you have to claim your spot, right now! The moon is waning!"

[Main character] stepped in front of the statue, now glowing brighter than before. She immediately grew bigger, to the point where she could have leaped onto the clouds. The Rabbit was next, and he too became the size of the temple.

"[Main character], you have to free the Dragon. He is next. The ceremony cannot continue without him."

"Fine. But only because I need to be the animal of the year. Nothing else."

[Main character] roared, and the cage broke, setting the Dragon free. The Dragon immediately stepped in front of his statue, and grew to the same size as the Tiger. Then he turned and pounced on [Main character], who stumbled and collapsed onto the ground. She growled and writhed under his grip, trying to get free. Then the Snake slithered in, hissing at the sight in front of him. The missing Tiger, pinned down by the Snake's best friend, the Dragon.

"Snake! Help me!" The Dragon cried.

The Snake slithered over, and grew larger. Then he threw himself at the fray, and pinned down...the Dragon.

"You should know better than this, frrrriend. Wait your turn. The year after the next will be yours."

The Dragon glared at his friend, and then slumped, defeated.

"Let's continue," he muttered.

Soon all of the animals were situated, and the Rabbit nudged [Main character]. She took in a deep breath, and leaped onto one of the clouds, looking down at the awaiting tigers below her. She roared, for the first time in twelve years. This time, there was no Dragon to ruin the moment for her. She roared until she felt like the world knew who the animal of the year was. She roared until her voice grew hoarse, and she leaped down, rejoining the other animals.

"That was...great!" She said to the Rabbit.

"I know, right? Next year will be mine...I hope." he said, sadly.

"What do you mean, you hope?" [Main character] asked.

"Remember, I am banished from the Celestial World." the Rabbit said.

"Not anymore." The Rat said. "You have done well in bringing the Tiger back. I hereby lift your exile from our world! You may rejoin us."

The Rabbit smiled, and turned to [Main character].

"What about you, Tiger? What are you going to do?" he asked her.

"I think I'm going to go home. Wait till my mom and Aunt Yang see what I am!" she said, already thinking about Aunt Yang's shocked expression.

"Er, Tiger? We can't show our Celestial form to the lowers." The Rabbit said.


"Maybe we can make an exception, just this once." The Rat said, with a sly smile on his face.

Maybe I really can be happy living on the farm with mom. [Main character] thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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