The septume piercing that brought hate to ellen degenerous

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In an old town where a little young girl called daisy bell made pancakes for her two sisters "hurry the fuckupyoustupidassbitch" the little sister cried, "go fuck yourself you horse teeth slut" daisy bell replied. "shut the fuck up both of you or ill cut your fucking goblin friend in half" said dad as he came rushing down the hallway, they adopted a goblin back in the early 2020s, he doesnt really do much but wank his fucking life out and grow weed on the farm. Mum comes home and flies through the fucking roof "WHO THE FUCK ATE ALL THE GRENOLA BARS?" mum screams as she gets out of the car from fucking an 80 year old multimillionaire. The goblin comes out and says "GO FUCK YOURSELF IM WATCHING DANK MEMES HEAR AND IF YOU DONT FUCKING STOP YELLING IM GONNA SELL YOUR U2 TICKETS ON EBAY" The whole family is fucking each other and suddenly a black silhouette comes out and screams "OH SHIT IF WE LET DA GOBLIN SELL OUR U2 TICKETS, WE ALL GOIN DOWN" "what the fuck is cory doing in our house"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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The Septum Piercing that brought hate to ellen DegeneresWhere stories live. Discover now