Chapter 1

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"You're all I want and ever need, my love~"◇◇◇

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"You're all I want and ever need, my love~"

Park Nabi p.o.v

"Yahh wait up" I squealed as I chased after the guy running in front of me which just so happened to be my boyfriend. He looked behind at me and laughed.

"You'll have to catch me Nana" he said smiling at me, which caused me to smile.

"Yah Gyeong Su!" I yelled pouting trying to get my legs to run faster to catch up to him, we had left the Cafe not that long ago and now after a bet here we are running.

I continued to speed up and reached my hand out my finger tips grazed the back of his shirt before I was fully able to clutch it in my grasp and pull him into me.

I quickly wrapped my arms around him laughing as I held him close to me.

"I win~ what's my prize~" I asked smiling looking up at him with big brown eyes.

"You get to come with me to eat chicken with Cheong San, On jo, and I sak tomorrow" he said smiling which caused me to groan. "Okay...but can I stay with you tonight" I asked him as he nodded and grabbed my hand.

I couldn't help but smile at the stubborn guy I had come to love deeply, I know what your thinking your in high school how can you know your in love with him. I don't know honestly, I don't know when or how it happened, I just know how I feel about him.

"So...are your parents working late...again" I asked him softly and looked up at him slowly.

"Yeah they...won't be back until the morning" he whispered and gently rubbed my hand. I nodded and held him close to me as we walked to his house. Gyeong su may not be well off like I or my demon of a cousin but it didn't stop me from loving him any less. I honestly didn't care that his family was on welfare.

Once we got to his house he unlocked the door and let me inside before closing and locking the door behind us. I looked at him and giggled.

"You better hurry to your bed if you want to cuddle me~" I yelled and slipped off my shoes and put slippers on before running off to his room, as I heard shuffling near the door from him trying to hurry. I quickly opened the door and set my bag down on the floor and quickly slip out of my school shirt and skirt and slip on one of his shirts and sweats.

I look over and see him leaning against the doorway staring at me. I shyly smiled at him and grabbed his hand pulling him inside. It didn't bug me that he saw me change, we've seen each other naked before know...reasons.

The Butterfly (all of us are dead)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن