Chapter 4

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As Simon returned, he saw everyone sitting in new seats and remembered he didn't know where to sit.

"Ms. Puffall, where do I sit?" He asked. She pointed to the seat. . . In front of Ciel.

He looked at him, admiring how concentrated he looked while drawing. He smiled, relieved that they were still seated next to each other.

As he sat down, Ciel looked up at him. He grabbed a new piece of paper and started sketching a boy.

A boy was stupidly grinning, wearing football gear. He had hair similar to a bowl cut and a round, happy face. Just like Simon.

Then he started sketching a silhouette next to him. Ciel was drawing himself.

He looked at the drawing and smiled. If only it were real.

"Ciel, what are you drawing?" Simon asked, startling him.

"U-uh right, that's uh, that's my brother and that's me," he lied.

"Your brother kinda looks like me," Simon smirked.

"Not really. My brother's ugly," Ciel laughed.

Simon raised an eyebrow. "So am I not?"

"I never said that," Ciel smirked playfully.

Simon fake gasped. "Ciel, that's really rude and I want you to apologize."

Ciel laughed. As much as he made fun of them for it, Simon loved his laugh. It for some reason made him happy.

"No, I'm not gonna apologize," he argued.

"Apologize," he demanded.

Ciel smirked, "Make me."

Simp smirked.


They both turned around to see Joey.

"Stop flirting and fill out your periodic table," he joked.

Mr. Goofball laughed and sat at her desk.

Simon turned around and wrote something on a piece of paper. He swiftly crumpled it up and threw it at Ciel's forehead.


Simon grinned, making a waving motion with his hand, mouthing 'put it away'.

Ciel frowned and put it in their pocket. He'd read it later.


It was the next day at rec, Ciel was on the spinny thingy. He had totally forgot about the note until then so they grabbed it.

"What's that, Ciel?" Addy asked.

Ciel smiled saying, "none of your business."

Hiseyes widened as he read it. It said, "I love you 💋😘" .

He made a disgusted face as he crumpled it up and threw it in the road.

"Y'all we should go in the field," Phoenix suggested. They all agreed, so they ran into the field.

As they all were walking around, they saw the football boys. They ran up to them and Addy and Ty started arguing. Simon ran up to Ciel.

"Did you read my note?" He smirked, laughing.

Ciel rolled his eyes. "I threw it away."

Simon gasped. "Apologize, nerd," he demanded.

Ciel rolled his eyes walking away, but stopped when they felt a hand on their shoulder. As they turned, they saw Simon smirking at them.

"I love you, Ciel," he laughed.

Ciel put his hand in their pocket, grabbing his switchblade, but Simon was already walking away talking to Joey.

He walked over to see Connor on top of Viera.

After Connor got off of her, Ciel yelled, "Hey, what the fuck's your problem, dude!?"

"Dude, what's your problem, it was an accident!" He yelled back, defending himself.

Ciel saw Viera whisper something to Burkenstock, and he smiled and whispered back.

That's a bit sus.

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