Arc 6 Chapter 12 - Festival Part 7

Start from the beginning

"Ha, I wasn't expecting the so-called narcissist to run. Everyone I asked said he wouldn't participate." So Nagumo had been asking his spies in my year about Kouenji, probably including Ichinose, who would have reported that Kouenji was being uncooperative.

"Then it was a foolish bet. I would expect more from someone who wants to be President."

"It's a shame I won't get to run against Ayanokouji, but I will get the chance to defeat you, President Horikita. Even with this race, my class will still win in overall points. It's the dawn of a new era at this school."

"Do you seriously plan to change this school?" the Manabu asked.

"You're too traditional. And even though you're strict, you're weak. Your rules are too generous, and they stop people from getting expelled. All I'm going to do is help make this school the ultimate meritocracy," said Nagumo."

Somehow, I couldn't help but feel this conversation was for me. Manabu wanted me to understand Nagumo better, to be able to challenge him. Even so, I found it rather pointless. I already knew enough about Nagumo. No, Manabu was trying to force me to choose a side he wanted, one where I wasn't going to endanger the school.

Miyake had taken off with the baton, and there was only 400 meters left until it would be my turn as the anchor to run. A few seconds later, most of the other runners had gone. It would Onoderas job to bring it to me.

"I am curious, Ayanokouji. Your class, and Class A took quite the beating with illnesses. It doesn't take a genius to notice foul play. Aren't you going to report anything?" Manabu asked.

I shrugged. "There's nothing to report. I'm sure the evidence of such acts is already gone, and besides, I don't particularly care."

"Oh, how cruel of you, Ayanokouji. Letting your classmates be beaten down so harshly, with no compensation." Nagumo was enjoying the turn of conversation.

"Everything that happened was well within my expectations for today. To be honest, I was prepared to deal with much worse situations, so such a simple tactic doesn't matter."

"You see, President Horikita, this is a boy who understands you can't protect everyone. Sacrifices have to be made by the strong. That's the role of the weak in the school I'm going to build," Nagumo said. Surprisingly enough, we had similar ideals, but by nature it was inevitable that we would clash. Nagumo couldn't allow someone like me to challenge his authority and get away with it as I had.

"You misunderstand me Nagumo. There's a line between not making sacrifices and protecting everyone, something the two of you fail to walk. Students here aren't your playthings, and acting like they are will be your downfall," Manabu warned us. "You cannot truly lead until you understand that."

I walked out onto the track to receive my baton. Onodera was sprinting around the track. A massive lead had been accrued by my class, almost an entire person in the relay ahead now. Mostly that was due to our closest competitor from Class 3-A falling over.

Onodera was doing her best, but even so she couldn't run as fast as they boys could. The lead shrunk very slowly, and while we were losing it, it wasn't a problem. The four boys to come before her had given us every advantage.

"Manabu, this situation is beyond even you now. If Nagumo wants to challenge me, then I have no problem responding in kind," I explained to Manabu, not looking at him, but focusing on the quickly approaching girl with the red headband.

"I'm sure we'll see, Ayanokouji," Manabu replied ominously.

"Ayanokouji-kun! Go!" Onodera cried, passing me the baton. The moment it was in my hands, I took off. I'd run this same distance earlier today against Kouenji, but now it was just me, alone, miles ahead of the pack.

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