"Hey Wiggly-woos, you weren't so bad after all." He said nonchalantly then brushed past it to refocus on the tablet in his hand.

Bruce smiled at Tony then at Wanda. "That's the closest thing to an apology you're gonna get from him."

Wanda smiled at both of them while Tony faked a sarcastic smile. He wouldn't admit it but he knew that he was wrong about her and that she was worth saving. Natasha would never let him live that down if she ever found out how he really felt.

"Ready?" Bruce asked with his hand resting on top of a button.

"Ready." Wanda nodded at them while the helmet from the Quantum suit's helmet covered her face.

They activated the machine and Wanda was sent off and came back within the blink of an eye, her mission: successful.

---Five Days Later---

Tony's lakeside mansion was packed with almost a hundred people. The Avengers, T'Challa, Shuri, Okoye, a few SHIELD agents, the Guardians, Scott and Hope, Shang-Chi and Katy, and anyone else that was either a friend or ally was invited to a giant party at the mansion to celebrate the defeat of Jean Grey and the addition of a new Avenger: Shang-Chi as well as the return of an old one.

While everyone else was either socializing with their friends or getting drunk, Steve was participating in his favorite pastime: watching Natasha from afar. While she was busy talking with Bucky and Yelena, Steve admired everything about her; her wavy red hair, black turtleneck and brown leather jacket, rosy cheeks and beautiful smile, he didn't know what to do but watch. Should he talk to her? Flirt with her? Ask for a second chance? Did he even have the right to? He wasn't sure.

"You know, you should really just ask her out instead of staring like a creep." Sam said as he walked up to the captain.

Steve just smiled even brighter at her, not even looking at Sam. "Maybe tomorrow." He said then pulled Sam over to the bar for a drink, hoping Thor had brought some of that Asgardian liquor that could actually get him drunk.

"So I met someone really interesting during the battle a few days ago." Bucky informed Natasha with a slightly confused smile.

"Oh yeah?" Natasha smiled back, his confusion was cute.

"Yeah, red suit, no eye holes, said his name was Matt Murdock."

She sighed, knowing that he'd want to know all about her and Matt, Yelena just gave her a smug look and took a sip of her beer. "He was someone I worked with a long time ago when I had a solo mission in Hell's Kitchen a few years back. We kept a good working relationship after that but I hadn't seen him in a while before he came to help us."

"'Working relationship.'" Yelena mocked with a sly grin.

Natasha let out a deep breath and gave her sister a death glare, all while Bucky grew more curious. "Yes, we flirted a little but nothing ever happened."

Natasha's threatening looks to Yelena caused him to laugh and give her an amused look in return. "You told him about us?"

"Not everything, just that I used to date a guy named James Barnes who had metal arm. You know, the usual conversation starter." She barely finished her sentence when Bobbi came and ushered her over to the group of SHIELD agents along with Laura and Pepper in another part of the room for a drink.

Bucky and Yelena watched Natasha walkover to May and Coulson as Daisy handed her a drink and started up a conversation. Yelena chuckled then turned to Bucky while he was taking a sip of his beer.

"You're a better match for her than Captain Golden Boy over there. You should tell her how you feel before he does." She said casually, causing him to choke on his drink. He coughed so hard that half the beer in his mouth went up his nose and he was turning red trying to cough it all up, meanwhile Yelena had just walked away to meet up with Wanda.

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