8 - New threats

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Wanda's ears were filled with the loud ringing of her text tone, she glanced down at the phone sitting on her bed to see a text from Jean. What could she possibly want this time? She reached out for it and read the message displayed over the home screen; it was a picture of her and Vision together in Ireland.

Jean: Meeting right now. Harry has some news for us.

Wanda: On my way.

She makes her way to her closet and hangs the jacket on the hook attached to the closet door, then walks to the door to enter the hall leading to the common area (that no one used, mainly cause they all hated each other).

She paused before walking out the door frame and looked back one last time at the red jacket hanging on the opened closet door. She let out a deep breath. I'm sorry Nat... but I hope you're at peace so you don't have to watch the train wreck that's about to occur. She turned, closed the door to her barely decorated room and left for the meeting room.

She entered the brightly lit and modernly decorated room to see everyone already there, waiting for her. They all turned their heads when they heard her stroll in and gave her annoyed looks as she walked to her place around the table next to Jean.

"About time you got here, Witchy." Agatha announced loudly, while Wanda gave her a look that would've killed a normal person.

"What is this about?" Wanda asked, looking to Jean for an explanation.

"Our plan's about to be set in motion! I've successfully replicated the Pym particle samples Magneto stole from those Hydra bases." Harry's erratic voice spoke from the other side of the table, while slamming a red vial on the giant round table.

"HAH! Well at least there's one thing useful about you, what with having no powers and all." Hela jabbed at him.

"At least I didn't get stepped on by a giant with goat horns!"

"IT WAS A FIRE DEMON!" Hela's eyes glowed green as she continued to argue with the goblin.

"Oh please, you literally could've just ran out of the way, and at least people actually recognize me?"

Hela was about to blast her powers at him before Magneto cut in.

"That is enough out of both of you. We should move on the Avengers compound now."

"Not yet, we don't have enough particles." Jean informed him.

"That's ridiculous, we have enough for a round trip for each of us."

"We should have a few extra at least, just in case something goes wrong."

Agatha joined the conversation to share her viewpoint, "Oh no, I'm with Tinman over here, we should go now."

It wasn't long before everyone else joined in on the conversation, voicing their opinions about when they should set their plan into action. Even though they were all technically a "team" none of them particularly liked each other and all had agendas of their own. Everyone began raising their voices and yelling over each other, all but Wanda. She stood at her spot at the table listening in and observing the train wreck before her.

"How can we be sure that you're not just using us to get them for yourself?" Mordo accused Jean.

All the other villains started agreeing with Mordo as Jean let out a pulse of orange energy that sent a small shockwave throughout the room, pushing all the members slightly off balance as they tried not to fall over.

She rubbed her temples before speaking again, "Please, if I could do this without all you idiots, then believe me I would."

They all went quiet and let her continue. Though they all hated to admit it, she had a point. They all saw for themselves over the past few weeks just how powerful Jean was and the things her powers could do. There was no way in hell that she would put up with them if she didn't truly need them.

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