Chapter 6: Beginning of the End

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Chapter 6: Beginning of the End

(Niall Horan, age 19)

The whole situation was a wreck in the lower part of Mullingar. With what I could remember, Peter was giving me a beating and Verena was screaming words I couldn't make out. Each blow to my body sent me further and further away from reality. Or rather, with each blow Peter was giving me what I deserved most; to edge away from life. Most would say it was him who was in the wrong for beating me senselessly like he had...but in my eyes I was the villain behind it all. What I had done to Verena was unforgivable.

Son, I've put you on the list for a transplant. Everything's going to turn out great in time, just you wait.

 Of all the lies spoken to me in my entire life, dad had uttered the biggest of them all without forgetting to coat it with a sweet taste of sugar to top it all off. 

The boys brought 'ya a cat I see, Verena's going to have a kick with that cute thing.

As if it really mattered anymore. Slowly as I recovered from the emotional and physical trauma that occurred on that day, my taste to be loved became stronger. The truth became clearer as the hours would pass by; she didn't deserve a poor excuse of a boy like me. My only hope for the illusion of love was fame...but even that seemed so far from my grasp.

Come on, lad. You've been this way for days own son can't even crack a goofy smile anymore.


(Niall Horan, age 15)

The incident was a difficult story for Verena to cover up, but her game plan was slowly figured out in the cab on the way to the Horan household. Niall was taken in with the ambulance earlier, leaving Verena to deal with the matter herself. So much remained blurry to her, how and why things happened the way they did was a mystery to her still. Only one thing was clear however, and that was that Niall had been unfaithful. The simple thought made her cringe and slowly kill her on the inside. This love she thought was mutual was a lie from the start; the thoughts acting like acid to burn at her insides without bothering to stop. 

'Keep it together. Now isn't the time to break down,' Verena thought with a solemn sigh as the cab neared the Horan household. 

The main question was what would happen after everything became normal again? It opened another wound inside Verena's emotional state and none the less shook her to the core. Clearly nothing would be the same anymore once Niall was in proper condition again, and when that time would come Verena was sure that it would simply be a mess with her and Niall. She clung to the memories that flooded through her mind as the cab continued to drive her to the Horan's. Something felt so wrong about leaving Niall, and the feelings were becoming more jumbled and confused the more Verena thought of her options. Who was she kidding? Despite everything, Verena wanted to love him and continue their relationship no matter what he had just done to her. Though the more she thought of it all, it seemed like just a wish that would never be fulfilled.

'I want him...I want him until he's gone forever,' she thought with a sniffle and muffled whine.

Verena leaned her slender cheek against the cool glass window of the cab. The lower class area of Mullingar was a place she made a mental note to stay away from. This was real, everything that had just happened was inescapable. Yet somehow it all seemed like a realistic dream one would wake up relieved from the next morning. She silently wished it was all fake, that it was all somehow just another dream she could indeed forget. But it wasn't; it was here screaming at her with every second that melted by. 

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