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Alexia POV

"Lex, let's go! We're gonna be late to the game!" I heard my roommate and best friend, Tiffany, call from outside of my room.

"Okay Tiff, just get in the car. I'm almost done!" I called back as I was finishing my makeup.

"Hurry up! We don't want to miss the kickoff!" She said before I heard her footsteps fade.

Tiffany's the biggest football fan I have ever met. She watches every game she can during the week, regardless what teams are playing.

She's such a big fan, that she's even studying for the sole purpose of being an NFL reporter.

I can say that Journalism always has been up her alley, but it wasn't always Sports Journalism.

Regardless, it's never been my cup of tea.

I just never could figure out what about throwing and catching balls is interesting to people.

Tiffany knows this, and I think it's become her life's mission to get me to like it. I think that because she has been dragging me to USC home games for the last 3 years.

I finished my makeup quickly, and pulled my USC sweater over my head before grabbing my phone and wallet, and making my way out of the house.

She was in the drivers seat, with the passenger side door wide open for me.

"Come on Lex, you're taking forever!" She said as I turned around to lock the front door.

"Dang Tiff, can I lock the door first?" I asked her then turned back to walk to the car after making sure it was locked.

"If you did it faster, I wouldn't be complaining." She said.

I got in the car and before I could even shut the door she stepped on the gas.

I slammed the door shut as fast as I could.

"Oh my gosh Tiff. I promise you Football is never that serious." I said to her.

"We are facing Notre Dame today Alexia. They are our team's biggest rival. This is arguably one of the biggest games of the season, and I have to be there." She explained.

"Okay." I sarcastically muttered to myself.

Luckily we don't live that far away from the stadium, so I won't have to be in this speeding car for long.

As soon as we got to the coliseum and parked she basically ran to admissions, dragging me behind her.

"Tiff! Lex!" I heard the voice of our other best friend Ariana, who is also a huge football fan, call and found her standing in the front of the line, with her boyfriend Tyler.

"Oh thank God you're still in line!" Tiffany cheered.

"Yeah, you guys got here just in time." Ty said.

"Well, if Miss 'I don't like football' here didn't decide to do a full face of makeup, we would've been here earlier." She said as we got to them, looking at me.

"You absolutely could've left me at home, but you decided to drag me here like always." I said, before smiling at Ari and Ty in greeting.

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