She can feel the liquid she coughed in her hand. Slowly, she spread her palm to find a red substance coated in her hand. Her health is deteriorating quickly. At the same time, she can feel her body is becoming heavier with fatigued then her eyes turn half-lidded.

Maybe, if she slept for a bit to rest then, Tomoe will arrive to give her favorite camellias. Her child will wake her up since she wanted to teach her the meaning of the flowers.

Just a rest is enough.

"Mommy! I have the camellias with me." Tomoe approaches excitedly on her mother's side.

As soon as she arrived the child halted her footsteps.

She could see her laying beautifully on the grass like a princess in a fairy tale, her mother once read to her. How peaceful she looks right now. Her mother's eyes are shut, Tomoe quickly notice her mother's healthy fair skin becomes even paler.

She blinked in confusion, shaking off the worry feeling which creeps in her heavy heart.

"Mom. Here you go. You promise me that you'll not be in pain anymore." Tomoe began to place the four camellias into her mother's chest.

The child expectantly waits for her mother to kiss and praise her for doing a job well done. Minutes passed. The golden-eyed child was filled with fear. Tomoe's instinct had made her move closer to touch her mom's cheek.

She felt her skin is colder than usual. The little girl hitched her breath. Her frantic hands move to her mother's shoulders to shook the woman to wake up.

No. No. No.

The girl repeatedly tried to wake her mother but to no avail. She bites her bottom lip while her shoulders hunched. Was she scared? YES.

The silence is unbearable. No distinct rising of chest, no puffs of air from her lips. Instead, her lips had a tinge of sky blue with no warmth. It's cold. Too cold. When all hope is lost. Her bright golden eyes turn dull. The noirette child could not believe what she was seeing.

Tomoe choked as she tried to wipe away the droplets of tears rushing down her flushed cheeks. Is the fairy tale her mother reads to her can be real?

The child kisses her mother's cheek to wake her up but she didn't. Her mom is like a princess in a fairy tale but why wouldn't she wake up? Tomoe couldn't control her sobs anymore. Her scream went louder 'til her voice hoarsen, despite the sorrow she felt.


The child nuzzles her mother's head. Hoping that this is a nightmare that she wishes to wake up. But fate can be cruel at times.

"Mommy, I love you." Tomoe slowly kisses her mother's forehead one last time. Alone. Only she could wish her mother to be in peace at this moment. For she had tasted what a mother's love feels like, it was her medicine and comfort. To keep her sane and happy.

The irony of believing that fairy tales exist.

It was not real.

A lie.

Not all stories end in a happy ending. Most of it end in tragedies and death. This is her reality.

Her mother... Dead. 

She felt numb yet her tears keep trickling down. Tomoe's mind went blank while the wind whispers sweetly in her ears like a sign to comfort her.

The tears come from the aching heart as it filled the hollow feeling inside of her. Grief is painful yet she remains still like a statue.

For the wind howls and mourns with her all night.

Now, the child became the only one to watch the moon and the stars shone brightly. 

𝕸𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖑 |𝕱𝖚𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖌𝖎 𝖄𝖚𝖚𝖌𝖎 𝕱𝖆𝖓𝖋𝖎𝖈Where stories live. Discover now