𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 18 | not today

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"So, now you're homeless?"

Alex found herself sitting on her bed with Toni standing before it and Rhea sitting in the chair she always did.

They finally got back to her apartment after the situation they (well, Rhea but Alex included herself) were in and Toni met them there, where they began telling her what had happened.

The end result so happened to be Rhea coming back with the suitcase, still steaming with anger as she sat back in the car and without hesitating to drive off.

Once again, neither of them spoke and Alex knew she wasn't going to be the first one to speak up, not after what she did and heard.

"Well, yeah, for now, I guess." Rhea had her face in her hands, they ran down her face and after she let out a loud sigh, "Only because he locked me out. That apartment is mine,"  Her eyes were on Toni as she leaned against the doorway of the room whilst Alex watched both of them speak.

It was more of Rhea and Toni talking while Alex observed them doing so.

She wasn't in any place to really say anything since it was Rhea's story to tell and even though there were times she wanted to add to the things that were said, she decided it was the best idea not to.

And in all honesty, Alex was more concerned over the whereabouts of the food they had since she had no idea where it was. It must've been in the car since neither of them brought it up.

"Yeah, if this idiot didn't get involved, maybe I would've handled it better," Alex snapped out of her thoughts as Rhea's harsh tone brought her back into reality, whereas her head turned to make eye contact with hers almost instantly.

Here Rhea goes, turning back into the impolite, unkind person Alex seemingly was waiting for her to turn back into.

She was expecting this since now, they were with Toni and Rhea continuously never failed to be this way in front of people, as if she wasn't the complete opposite moments ago.

"Rhea," Toni immediately reprimanded and Alex's lips didn't hesitate in curving as she then waved Toni off, because again, she did anticipate this so it didn't surprise her as much as it upset Toni.

"It's okay. She's upset and she wants to blame someone other than that asshole that disrespected her, so let her," Alex took a slight jab at Rhea, honestly unintentionally, but her sly smirk caused Rhea to take it offensively as she held her stare onto Alex.

Her eyes pierced right through Alex's and it wasn't like Alex was going to look away.

Though, Toni intruded, "I mean, you can't even blame her, Rhea. I would've done the same if I would've seen him do that to you too." And it was there Rhea broke the eye contact between her and Alex to look over at Toni with an annoyed yet confused look.


"Exactly," Alex was pleased Toni agreed with her as she mischievously grinned at Rhea after she spoke. Rhea diverted her attention back to her to send her a quick, menacing glare, but like always, Alex took it lightly and left her grin on her face.

"It wasn't any of her business, Toni," Rhea made sure Toni knew that.

However, "That doesn't mean she's not going to intervene when she sees someone disrespecting you," Toni instantly came back with and Alex nodded her head, proud of the fact that Toni was defending her actions and knowing she was right for what she did.

It was a bit satisfying since Rhea always thought she was right with everything she said but with Toni agreeing with Alex's actions, it was about time she realized that being an asshole right now wasn't it.

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