Reuniting <3

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It was in July 2018 since I last saw Timothee, it was now June 2019. I snuggled up into my bed ready for my good nights rest. As I dozed off into a dream my snores increased. I usually slept in the middle of the bed, all the space to myself, but i wish I couldn't it kind of signalled i was alone. It was around 1:37 am when Timothee silently rolled his suitcase into the room opposite mine, he was already in his night wear. He shifted me over and quietly crept into bed, I wasn't aware. He gently snuggled up to me, so I wouldn't awake. He fell asleep after around 10 minutes and we both snored in rhythm.

It was now 10:42 am, Timothee had been awake since around 10:20. I slightly gazed awake. I wondered why i moved so much in the night. Nobody was there, I stood up and looked at my bed, unaware Timothee was behind me. He ran up to me and jumped on me and pulled me onto the bed. I giggled, thinking it was my brother surprising me until i seen his face. My mind was blown. I had no words. I squeezed him tight and his little eyes closed. He gazed at me, eye to eye and kissed me on the lips, i played with his curly ,fluffy hair. As he pulled away we still had our arms wrapped around each other,
"So you missed me?" He asked, I nodded I hadn't spoke to one boy (other than my relatives) to prove i was loyal,
"Look I'm sorry i accused you with Liam, I just needed time to realise and i hope you kept your promise and didn't talk to any boys." He explained,
"I didn't talk to any boys other than my brothers and dad. I'm sorry i made you feel that way." I declared, he looked at me and grinned, he put his nose against mine,
"I will always love you Y/N." He spoke truthfully i could see it in his eyes, i kissed him passionately for around 3 minutes straight. As he pulled away he gave me that cheeky grin,
"Do you know what i missed?" He asked, i gave him a look of confusion, asking him to explain in my expression,
"Smoothie bowls." He whispered down my ear. I jumped up immediately and ran down to the kitchen. He just rested on the bed while i made him his favourite smoothie, mango and passion fruit with a white chocolate layer, strawberries at the side. I took my time to make sure it was perfect. Opening the fridge i had blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. I included them all and put a nice orange juice in a flask to take up with the smoothie bowl. As i walked into the room Timothee smiled. I gave him the smoothie bowl and drink, then sat by him. I giggled at him enjoying it,
"So you missed me?" I asked, he looked at me and gulped his last spoonful,
"Of course i did, i mean i was wrong." He replied following with a peck on the cheek. He put his arm around me, his fluffy hair all over his face as i took a picture. As i posted it he turned my neck around, kissed me passionately. I got on top of him and we made out for around 7 minutes and 26 seconds, precisely. Afterwards i got off of him and helped him unpack is suitcase, i was finally happy.

My Timothee Chalamet imagine &lt;3333Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora