ch. 8

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his friend was staring down at me, waiting for a response. i started to stammer and mumble a little, nervous and completely intimidated
"josh, this is aaron... one of my childhood bestfriends. aaron, josh.. my boyfriend" jaxon said.
aaron tilted his head a little, examining me while taking another hit of his cigarette. i noticed that his fingernails were painted black and that he had a tattoo sleeve and a some sort of roman numeral date tattooed vertically down his neck. they looked good on him, made him look even more handsome and well put together. i got selfconcious of my thoughts and blushed embarrassed, looking at jaxon for comfort. he continued to pet my head gently, comforting me.. this made me coo a little.
"stop trying to intimidate him, you arent scary" jaxon sighed, staring at aaron
"worth a shot" he teased, turning around to finish making his plate. "he looks familiar" he added, taking a bite out of his breakfast burrito.
yeah, we work together but i avoid you.. lol
i struggled to reply. i hate myself so much
jaxon noticed this and took a minute to piece everything together. "yeah, hes your coworker" he finally said, realizing. the burning, bitter smell of his cigarette was starting to get to me and i coughed a little. jaxon noticed and glanced over at aaron
"oh yeah... hes the shy barista that always avoids me" i jumped a little, surprised that he noticed.
jaxon chuckled softly, "can you put that cigarette out? he has a pretty sensitive body"
aaron complied, throwing the rest of the cigarette away. "got you, sorry" he finished the rest of his burrito in a few bites and stretched. "i gotta head to work now" he let out a long sigh and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "thanks for the food baby" he teased, headed towards the door
jaxon ignored the last part "you're welcome"
"see you at work jj" aaron held his hand out for a brief moment which was his silent way of saying goodbye once more. he walked out, shutting the door behind him. the fact that he called my boyfriend baby and already called me out my name made me burn red with embarrassment, jealousy, anger, and desire. he had alot of charisma and i'd be lying if i said i didnt find it attractive. jaxon took me to his room and laid me on his bed, kissing my neck and jawline gently afterwards. he made me feel so good, i felt like i was on cloud9... but why was i still thinking of aaron? wondering what it'd be like with him? does this mean im unfaithful? am i a bad person? he stripped all my clothes off gently and asked if i was ready, i nodded. he lubed me and it felt weird, i held onto him... scared. he smiled a little, pulling me closer for comfort "i'll be gentle" he whispered against my cheek, kissing it afterwards. i shivered. my whole body was hot, i felt weird.. and so aroused. he slowly slid his tip in and i gasped a little. i didnt think itd hurt this bad, he kept going until all his length was inside me. he was huge, and so warm.. i couldnt help but moan. what is this feeling? why do i feel so fuzzy and so hot? he started to thrust, slow and gently. it hurt so bad but it felt so good at the same time, i wanted more. i could feel my eyes swelling with tears and my mouth watering, he's so good at what he does. he knows exactly where to thrust and the perfect pace. i think i'm in love...

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