Coffee Shop

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I woke up to a boring day yet again I sluggishly get out of bed and head to the bathroom after a cold shower I head down stairs to the kitchen "Hmm nothing today huh just my luck" I grab my coat and purse then I slide on my shoes and head for the door

I take the train to the nearest coffee shop to get breakfast I reach my stop and a wave of cold breeze hits my warm face I let out a breath and began to walk down the snowy street

As I walk into the shop I buy a (f/f) with (f/d) and I enjoy my (f/d) while scrolling through Instagram I look up to see a chocolate drown haired boy looking at me and he smiles at me and I return the smile back

He gets up from his table and places a piece of paper on my table then winks and walls away I feel my face heat up a little I pick up the paper in curiosity and to my surprise he wrote his number down I smile to myself

I pay and leave a tip then head back to my apartment as I open the door I look at the paper and decided to text him

Hey it's that girl from the coffee shop today remember me?

Yeah I remember you say what's your name? 

I'm y/n l/n what's yours?

I'm Eren Yeager nice to meet you m'lady

I giggle at the text behind my phone

Likewise my good sir

Hahaha I like your style say wanna hangout?

I quickly change his contact name then I reply

Sounds great Eren!

Awesome see you soon

The past few days were great Eren is a really great guy and the more I'm with him the more I realize that I might have feelings for him he's just to kind hearted and generous any girl would fall for him

Some days past and I find myself talking to Eren again

Eren is video calling...

A video call!? Really I'm a mess right now in my messy bun but whatever this is eren I'm talking about I pick up the phone and answer without any more delay

Heya! How's my favorite person in the world

I was about to answer when I noticed that Eren was shirtless in his bed one of his hands in an upright position holding the phone and I happen to blush

Y/n? What's wrong- ohhhh- I get it

He laughs and I swear I saw a hint of a dusty shade of pink spread across his face but it went away before I could tell for sure

Y/n~ it's rude to stare y'know~ are you gonna stare at me all day?

S-shut up

I saw looking away from the screen not wanting him to see my blushed face and tease me for it

Alright alright I'll wear a shirt just for you

Thank you good sir

The conversation went on for some hours it was really fun to talk to him again after some time apart

Hey... Y/n? I've got something to ask you...

Hmm what is it Eren you can tell me anything

I say with a smile to reassure him

Alright umm I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go on a date with me...?

I was taken back by the statement I felt my eyes widened and I was unsure of what to say I felt my face heat up 10× more than what it should

Hah sure Eren I'm ok with it...

I say trying to hide my blush with my arms and my pillow

Hah! I knew you had feelings for me I was right to trust Armin I'll never doubt him again!

Shut up Eren- and wait Armin told you to do this!? You didn't have the guts to say it without Armin's help you coward!

Hey-! I still had the guts to say it though give me some credit!

I bursted out laughing st him while he sulked

Alright I'll give you credit

I say sarcastically while rolling my eyes which made him laugh

The day of the date I picked out a tennis skirt with a white top and my black boots (if you don't like the choice then feel free to change it I have no problem with that) while I was finished up I heard a knock on the door I assumed that it was Eren

I dashed down stairs and opened the door to see a blushing Eren when he saw me I couldn't help but giggle at his reaction

"Hey Eren" I say to snap him out of his daze "H-hey... " he says shyly

I see him take a (f/f) ( favorite flower) from behind his back and places it gently in my hair then he takes some strands of my hair and tucks it behind my ear I slightly blush at how gentle he is being that made me smile

"You look so beautiful y/n" he says blushing causing me to blush even more "Thanks Eren you look good yourself"

E. Yeager One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now