Part VI

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I might not update as often bc in running out of ideas

Please . . . . . . .

Nobodys PoV

The next morning Edgar and Vera woke up first and just started to talk shit about the others, but mostly just Aesop and Eli. "Ok but, why the hell is Aesop always acting like something is up in his ass all the time?! The only times he comes out of his room he's all bitchy." Vera said rolling her eyes.

"Oh I think I know what- no WHO it is." Edgar said widening his eyes at realization "Oh my fucking god. WHO?" Vera asked now close to yelling not caring that it was pretty much 7:25 AM."I know I've only been here for a few day but,"

"the way you describe him its totally different from how he was today he's the one with the grey hair and the weird mask right?" "That's him!" "Ok so, he's been acting odd like... 'im a weirdo' odd but only when he's talking to one person, ELI!" Edgar said looking at his nails.

"You sure it's Eli? He's the guy with the thing covering his eyes." "Yep positive." "Oh my god. I've gotta tell Marg-" she got cut off by someone or everyone. "Tell her what?" Mike and Fiona said in unison.

"Oh, you're up, anyways I'm going to the kitchen if you need to, you could come with." Edgar said to both of them before leaving. "HEY DONT LEAVE MY BEHIND!" Mike yelled before chasing after him.

"They'll be in love in no time." Emma said overhearding their conversation "Wanna bet on that?" Tracy said taking clues out of her pocket "Yes." she replied shaking her girlfriend's hand.

Time Skip

"Here's the schedule for your matches this week. Also, your room is right to Emily and Norton's rooms." Miss. Nightingale said handing Edgar a thin piece of paper. "Thank you Miss." Edgar said before walking off knowing where their rooms are.

"You finally settling in? It's already been two days and you haven't stepped a foot in your room!" Mike said following Edgar like a lost puppy. "Yeah. I'm probably not going to use it because YOU unpacked my stuff in YOUR room." Edgar said flicking Mikes forehead.

"OK FINE I'll help you move if you show me your paintings," Mike said "Fine with me." The rest of their walk was silence other than minor chatter when putting all of Edgars stuff in his suitcase, because he wouldn't let Mike see one thing. (that thing is important later in the story)

When Edgar made his way to his room he passed by Margaretha who waved at him to get a dirty look in response. "EDGARRRRRR!" He heard a voice yelling at him "Ugh. what do You want." "I just wanna let you know." "Let me know what?"

that you made a good first impression on us girls by not going all crazy when you saw all of us." Fiona said, "What I mean is that most men here would've gone crazy over-seeing that many girls all in one place except Mike, and maybe you?" She said putting out her hand expecting Edgar to shake it.

"Sure, whatever anyways do not expect me to be anywhere anytime." he said walking off "Ok then?" she said walking off the opposite way. After a bit of unpacking, Edgar was done with moving into his room evidently, he went to painting. He couldn't find the correct motivation. So he simply went to his window and painted the dark scenery around all of them. 

HI btw I'm sorry this is really short mostly bc I have school in like three minutes and I still have to shower and get ready. Also go check out @/ben_fakename's new book!

yeah anyways might not be that many extras anymore so ya


Norton: You better get in this car or...

Norton: I'm gonna pop between your eyes.

Edgar in an unsettling high voice: Oh I know you...

Edgar: *Eye twitch* I saw your d*ck on Twitter.


Creds to @/p1sskinkedgar on TikTok

word count 666

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