Chapter One

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My calloused, and mildly sore fingers moved over the fretboard of my acoustic guitar, the melody my fingers produced filled the small room. I was I daydreaming. Again. I was sitting on the end of my single bed, in the same position I had been in for hours. I was daydreaming about the band plastered all over my walls...

Guns N' Roses.

Yeah, yeah, they were all undeniably attractive and basically every girl threw themselves at them, but I couldn't deny my feelings for the drummer- Steven Adler.

That grin could make any girl faint. It certainly made me weak at the knees, not gonna lie there. My hazel eyes flicked up to the full length mirror in front of me. I looked at my reflection- a daggy, oversized shirt basically consumed my slim body, a pair of boy-leg underwear hidden underneath the soft material of my t-shirt. My messy, short brunette hair was a mess, a fringe coming down to my eyebrows. I had basically no curves and I was a little on the short side of the spectrum.
'Why would he ever find me attractive? I'm a piece of shit,' I thought to myself, a lame chuckle leaving my slightly chapped lips as I thought about the chances I have with the famous drummer. I was nothing special.

"Nellie!" the yell of my best friend, Charlotte snapped me out of my thoughts.

"What?!" I questioned, placing my guitar on my bed and having a well needed stretch before trudging down the stairs to see what Charlotte needed.

The busty blonde leant against the kitchen bench, a sigh escaping her plump lips. We're polar opposites, but best friends. It's funny how things work. "We have no milk," she complained.

"Well go get some," I chuckled softly, scratching my head quickly before walking over to grab my pack of Marlboros, a yawn escaping my lips before I lit the cancer stick.

"I can't, my nails are drying," came Charlotte's reply. I watched her pour a glass of red wine, a snort escaping my lips as she swished the red liquid within the glass. I heard her groan softly as I reached for my bottle of Jack Daniel's, causing me to roll my eyes. So girly.

"Yeah, whatever," I grumbled, "Give me the money then."

Charlotte slapped a ten dollar bill into my rough hand as soon as I spoke. "Be careful, Nellie. It's getting late," the blonde warned, taking the liquor bottle from me before I could take one sip. Oh come on.

"Yeah, I know," I nodded, pulling on some jeans and my boots, quickly.

I flashed my roommate a small smile before shoving the bill in my pocket, closing the door closed on my way out. I walked quickly, ignoring the wolf-whistles I revived from creepy guys only wanting one thing out of any woman. They didn't care which one they picked up- whether she was drop dead gorgeous, or quite the opposite.

As I entered the air conditioned supermarket, I shivered slightly, causing me to wrap my arms around my small body as I hurriedly made my way to the freezer isle. I grabbed the biggest bottle of milk available, obviously not looking where I was going as I focused on my shoes. I hated being in public, and I hated the service at the supermarket. I felt myself bump into a firm- what I assume to be a torso, an almost silent gasp escaping my lips.

"Oh my God."

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