" that would be great. Thank you for allowing her to attend your school, "Hayley said to me

"Yes, well, we have no hate towards Hope. We were just like to let you know that Rebel does not know about this yet, and eventually, we will have to tell her, and I can't see that ending well."

Hope looked confused. "Who is rebel?"

A voice came out of nowhere before Stefan or I could speak. "You didn't even tell your second-born daughter about the one you abandoned. Incredibly, you're still a selfish bastard, "Jason said to Klaus

 Incredibly, you're still a selfish bastard, "Jason said to Klaus

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" Jason Salvatore, it's been a very long time, "Elijah said

"Yes, it has been a long time, but sadly, it's not been long enough for me" Jason said

Freya, Hayley and Hope look very confused. "What is going on? Who is the rebel? Why is everyone so tense, and what does she have to do with my daughter coming to the school? "Hayley asked

Jason had a Cheshire cat smile. "Rebel is Klaus's firstborn daughter. He didn't know she existed because he left her mum pregnant and found out about her when she was already 18 years old, and you didn't like the fact that she stood up for herself. She didn't bend to what you wanted, so when the going got off, you got going, leaving her, abandoning her to go and raise your second illegitimate child that you brought into this world. I have to say I've made some mistakes in my life with you. You keep coming and coming, don't they?"

Hope looked shocked" I have a sister."

Jason looked at her. "No, you don't. Maybe you could've done it if your father had taken an interest in her life, but instead, he ignored her trying to kill her friends, screamed at her, tell her she was less than what he expected from a child who came from the great Klaus Mikaelson that right."

"Please tell me you didn't say those things, "Hope asked her father

"It was a mistake. I was angry. I couldn't go back and apologise, but she would not have forgiven me. By the time I found out you were on the way, I had already missed 18 years. What did she need me for?" Klaus said

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe she needs a father, a shoulder to cry on, someone she knows that would help her when she's in danger, but you took the Mikeal route, "Jason said

Klaus looked at me, shocked, before turning back to Jason. "I am not my father."

"Maybe not, do your precious little hope. But to rebel, you are the worst person on the planet. You know you could've had a relationship with her if you had just tried, but you didn't want to. You cared more about trying to sleep with Caroline and know your child. That's what's wrong with you. You didn't know how lucky you are, "Jason said to him

Before the class could even speak, Stefan turned to me, "Incoming."

Two people exited the vintage car: a young girl and a boy, wearing sunglasses and holding two coffees. As soon as I got out, he wrapped his arm around her house, and they made their way towards us

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