An Assorted Collection Of Forgotten Dreams Texts

Start from the beginning

Chapter 1:

Chapter 1 begins with Shinii and Zeljko exiting the train at the last stop. They see the city in the distance, and begin making their way towards it. Shinii tells Zeljko how he had been to this city before, and it had been bustling. He notes that the city should probably be nonexistent with all of the weathering. Zeljko jumps, thinking he heard a sound. Shinii says that it's been so long that most if not all of the parts in any robot should have decayed by this point. Right on queue, Shinii is nailed with a shopping cart, mounted by a box-like being. This box proclaimed itself to be the Super Cool President of this area, and that it sworn to defeat any intruders. Shinii kicks the cart down the hill along with the annoying box, named Hertig. As the 2 keep walking, Shinii says that its like a circus around here. As they're conversing, the bg gets darker. suddenly, a large spotlight appears over the 2 partners. Hertig yells about how his whole speech was leading to this cool circus thing. He says that according to the newest prophecies of the all-knowing, they would arrive and hertig was destined to defeat them. after his monologue and goofs, they duo decide to play along to gain more information about these all knowing and possibly what happened to this civilization. they get through the 7 trials, and at the last one hertig and Shinii get into a fight. hertig challenges them to a duel in the center plaza at dusk, and Shinii accepts. since they have time to spare after making it to the centre, they walk into one of the rundown glowing shops. it was a bar, and several of the types of hertigs minions were there. plus, gitreh, the bartender (looks just like hertig in a terrible disguise but is their own individual character.) after bar dialogue, hertig is sighted in the square. queue western scene parody. fight, shinii and zeljko win by tripping hertig. "I've come to make an announcement" scene. the duo sneak around past troops and make their way to hertigs castle, an Italian restaurant. they disturb hertig in his spaghetti dinner. nobody disturbs hertigs spaghetti time. flows into mech scene, fight ensues. hertig loses, the duo help him up. they establish that they arent here to hurt hertig and only want answers to their questions. hertig invites them to join for spaghetti dinner. during dinner, hertig unveils that a unit from the all knowing should be here any minute to capture them. hertig says he doesnt want the prophecy to come true. he leads the duo to his room of treasures where there get outfitted to fight. these aren't normal weapons, but dorky stuff that wont work very good and is just plain funny. they enter the city centre, and the all knowing unit shows up on her motorbike. she discounts and hertig greets her. hertig yells MINIONS, SUPRISE ATTACK! this flunks spectacularly, and Zeljko and Shinii get their chance to shine. through struggle, they win. hertig quickly writes them a note and ushers them on their way, warning of more troops soon. hertig implies that he had committed treason and would be executed. but, hertig wants to go down with his ship, and tells the duo to follow his map at the train station stop. as they leave, they see hertig running off. later, looking back at the city, a monstrous explosion occurs. according to hertigs note, this was to save the suffering of himself and his citizens.

Chapter 2: Enter the Arena

the duo with the traveller hertig appointed arrive at the station after transferring lines a few times. they walk through a small town towards a large factory like building. eventually, they walk into the building in a doctor's lobby type area. a rather crude, large robot is at the reception desk. they try to make an appointment, and get a tab for appointment #longnumber. the sign on the wall says appointment 7. shinii asks the robot what its name is, and it says classified. shinii than states he is an admin, and asks again. the robot looks up, and says that shinii is lying. shinii gets angry, and Zeljko points to the nametag on its desk. Its name is Obse. They ask Obse who its master is, and Obse points toward the door. Shinii walks toward the door as it flings open in his face, slamming him against the wall. A tall figure with saws for arms walks through. Haha scary, actually cutie kaeti. Kaeti asks what brings them there, and they say that the man behind brought them, but he is gone. I his place is a letter on the ground. She reads the letter, and motions them to come in the shop. They walk throughout the shop as kaeti speaks about their situation. Kaeti says that she can't give them any info unless they prove themselves worthy. A ring rises above the ground. Boxbot-1 falls from the sky. This is the self righting clown doll like thing. After many many punches, Shinii gets fed up and throws the thing over the rails. Obse (referee) calls game. Boxbot-2

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