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Heya, it's ya idiotic fanfic writer, Void! And, uh, before we start. I'd like to state a few things, plus some info.

First of all, I will NOT write smut. Because 1. CrossCode is more family friendly than nsfw-ish, if not, not nsfw at all (like, come on, they only hinted at dirtu stuff like twice and that's about it). 2. I absolutely suck at writing smut (evidence in my Spinel x Reader one shot book). And 3. I am uncomfortable with some of the stuff people make me write, so better safe than sorry.

However, I am okay with writing a bit of lime (like, kissing with tongue, neck licking/biting/sucking, butt or boob gropping, this kind of stuff). As long as it doesn't lead to smut, I'll write this (I'll still give warnings just in case).

Second of all, I won't write for gues characters or npcs. I'll write for the current Evotars and Players in the game, as well as the real people present in the game (Lea, Emillie, Lukas, Apollo, Shizuka, Carla, Jet, etc). So, yeah. Sorry if anybody wanted to see smthing with characters who aren't involved in the plot and story and other stuff.

Third, this is for those who are new to fanfictions. I'll put a brief list of what certain stuff means:

(Y/n): Your name
(E/c): Your eye color
(H/c): Your hair color
(H/l): Your hair lenght (will include this a few times)
(S/c): Your skin color
(F/f): Your favorite food
(F/d): Your favorite drink
(F/c): Your favorite class (aka Spheromancer, Pentafist, Triblader, Quadroguard and Hexacast)

Oh, and before I forget. I, uh, won't write requests. Yet. I'm still thinking wether I should do requests or not. If this book gets a lot of attention, I definately will take requests. And I will state as such if I will.

Anywho. Besides all of that, do what you want in the comment section of this info chapter thingy. Grab a drink or a snack, conversate between each other and I hope you enjoy the book itself!

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