Chapter Sixteen

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Aurelia had no idea how long she had slept, but Nicholas was already up and around, preparing food when she opened her eyes.

"Hungry?" he asked.

To her surprise, she found she was starving, and she eagerly accepted the bowl he handed her. She was even able to feed herself, a definite step forward.

As Nicholas joined her to eat, he asked her how she was feeling.

"Better, I think. We need to decide what we're doing."

"I think we're going to have to wait here for at least a couple more days," Nicholas said, taking a mouthful of soup. "You're in no condition to move yet."

"Agreed," she said. As good as she was feeling, she knew she wasn't capable of walking, maybe not even standing. "How far are we from the dome?"

Nicholas paused to think. "I'd say about three days' walk. Maybe five, since you won't be able to move at full speed."

Damn. That was further than she'd thought. "And once we're there, can we get back in?"

Nicholas shrugged. "I think so," he said. "Bryn would probably help us if I can get hold of him, but I can't contact him from here."

"So our plan is to get closer to the dome, camp there, and get Bryn to let us in. Alrighty, I like it. Simple." Now that they had a goal, and she had hot food inside her, Aurelia was more optimistic than she'd felt in days.

They spent a couple of hours playing chess. Nicholas had brought a small set with him, and after eating again, Aurelia was feeling stronger. She had Nicholas help her to stand and found she could take a couple of steps without too much pain, though the effort it took was immense, and she needed his support. Thinking it was a start, she let Nicholas lower her back to the ground.

"Not bad," she said.

"Not great," he responded.

"You're such a worrier sometimes," she told him.

In truth, she enjoyed the time she spent with Nicholas. He was intelligent, a good conversationalist, and an excellent chess player. He was also funny and good company. It was just as well that they got along, because it would be another three days before Aurelia could get around on her own. In the end, they used the remainder of their bandages to strap her chest, which prevented the broken bones from moving too much and at least made it bearable to walk.

Nicholas watched her walk the perimeter of the small dome. "We're going to be slow, but I think we can go tomorrow."

"Agreed," said Aurelia, smiling. "A good meal and a good night's rest, and tomorrow I'll be even better than today. Let's do it."

She was eager to get moving, anxious to get back under the dome, though she'd given little thought to what they would do once they got back inside. She realized in horror that she'd been absent for a week and a half, and she could only hope things at the hospital had gone on without her. Thank Gods for Jason, she thought. She was sure he'd have handled things.

The next morning, they pulled on breathing suits. Aurelia struggled until she sat on the floor to dress herself. Nicholas packed the supplies they had left into one big pack, which he shouldered. Finally, there was only the dome left. Making sure both breathing suits were powered on, Nicholas reached up to a hidden control panel and hit a button. With a faint hissing noise, the dome collapsed. All that remained of it was a small black box, which Nicholas shoved into one of the pockets of his pack.

They were so busy preparing to depart that they didn't notice the two men until it was too late. "I believe that you have something of mine," said a voice.

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