⎯⎯ ✧・゚He Cheated - All Girls

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Requested: Imagine in where readers boyfriend cheats and she goes to Brendas house to watch Jim Carrey movies and listen to blink 182

You couldn't believe what you had seen, your boyfriend was swapping spit with some tramp. You wanted to confront him but you couldn't you felt vulnerable with tears in your eyes. So you decided to go talk this out with one of your best friends Brenda.

You knocked on the door and Brandon answered it. "Hey Y/N are you ok?" Brandon asked noticing the dry tears on your face.

"Not really I really need to talk to Brenda is she here?" You asked.

"Sure I'll call her." Brandon said. "Brenda Y/N is here." Brandon yelled up the stairs and Brenda came rushing down with a smile on her face which turned into a frowned when she saw you.

"Y/N what happened" She said as she pulled you into a hug.

"My boyfriend he... he.." You began.

"What did he do Y/N?" Brenda asked softly.

"He cheated." You whimpered tears forming in your eyes.

Brenda pulled you into another hug. "Well I got the perfect medicine for you." Brenda smiled. "Make yourself comfortable in the living room." Brenda said as she rushed upstairs.

Brenda came back downstairs with a couple of movies. Suddenly the doorbell had rung. It was Kelly, Donna, and Andrea you had forgotten today they were going to go out.

"I totally forgot." You heard Brenda say. "But Im sorry guys I cant go." Brenda refused. You walked up to them.

"Bren I'll be fine you guys can go I'll just be heading out." You said.

"No Y/N we are going to make you forget all about him." Brenda gave you a sterning look.

"What happen?" Donna asked as she noticed your puffy eyes.

"Tell her Bren I can't" More tears began to form in your eyes.
"Her boyfriend cheated on her." Brenda sighed.

"That loser" Kelly scoff "forget about him honey." Kelly said as she pulled you into a hug.

"Ok guys our plans are canceled." Kelly yelled.

"We are going to wallow." Donna said.

"Thank god its not like we wanted to go" Andrea sighed.

"I know" Donna chuckled. You guys made your way into the living room.

"I got food!" Andrea yelled as she came in with food in her hands.

"I got the CD's" Donna said as she walked in with several CD's. Brenda put the movies on the table along with the Cd's and salty snacks.

"Jim Carey movies? Blink 182? And salty chips and sugary candy bars?" You chuckled a little.

"Yup perfect recipe for wallowing" Donna said as she put a CD in the CD player.

Carousel began to play and Donna began to dance like a goof. Andrea lip sync and Brenda did some air guitar while Kelly pretended go play the drums you couldn't help but chuckle a little.

Getting over your boyfriend might be a little easier than you thought. With Kelly on your side painting your nails while watching Dumb and Dumber. Like Donna said it was the perfect recipe for getting over your boyfriend.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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