⎯⎯ ✧・゚Studying For A Test

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Andrea: She emphasized studying and made you study without asking you. She would drag you to her house and help you. Although you hated it it was useful and you were grateful. Usually after you guys took the test you would go to the peach pit and celebrate.

Brandon: Most of your study sessions were during his shifts at the peach pit. In between taking orders and cleaning tables you would ask him a question and he would have to answer it.

Brenda: Usually studying took place at her house in her bedroom. But you guys would easily get distracted talking about boys, mainly Dylan. But after a while you guys would get back on track and study.

David: Studying took place in the library. You David and Scott. David and Scott would always lose track of studying because of the librarians hot assistant. You always would roll your eyes and snap your fingers to stop them from staring. You guys were always one of the last ones to leave the library.

Donna: Ever since she found out she had a learning disability she always studied extra hard for test. Sometimes in between she would began to doubt and say its no use studying she is going to fail anyway. You would always cheer her up and say she could do it she made it this far and that there is no reason to stop now.

Dylan: Studying? wasn't something he did. Dylan had like a photographic memory and would never study for test and still manage to get an A. Usually you would go to the beach and while he surfs you would study. you would ask him for help.

Kelly: Study or shopping she preferred shopping. But you always had to drag her to study. At first she would complain but when she passed the test she would always say how studying help her.

Steve: He would never study and always find ways to cheat on test. You would always tell him he puts more effort in trying to cheat when he could put less in studying and get the same amount. But he always leaned on cheating and sometimes it was useful. Because there were some items you needed some assurance on.

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