The Unbelievable Truth

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A/N:-**Person 1:- .......Person2:-..... [talkin between Character.**

**Harry:-...... Fawkes/Hedwig/Other Familiars:-......[Mind Talking]

**#.....# [Parseltounge]**


When all four of them entered the Great Hall . The breath of all three professors hitched in their throat with murderous look in their eyes for those people in  front of them They dared to disturb the memories of the fallen heroes of both the Wizarding World and the founders by impersonating them. But, Harry kept his emotionless mask on his face but he was seething and his magic was rolling like a hurricane. Keeping the facade on his face he wordlessly cast a very strong shield to protect them and closed all the doors, windows and vents to stop the impersonators from running but he knew they were not planning to do so. He very calmly took a step forward but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

**Minerva:-Harry No.

Harry:-Trust me Aunt Minnie. I know what I am doing. Trust me like you always do. They are wandless.

Mcgonagall was confused but she knew if Harry was saying this he was right . If he said something he has reason and Minerva would trust him with her life if asked by her honorary Nephew. She was quiet certain when he said her 'Aunt Minnie' other two professors were confused because they knew Minerva cared about Harry but they do not knew their relationship as 'Aunt' and 'Nephew' and their confusion increased when he said "They are wandless.'' Because they do not knew the extent of his power.

Minerva:-Okay. Take care. I trust you.**

With a smile from Harry which was reciprocated by the usually strict scottish teacher and current Headmistress of Hogwarts which did more than encouraging Harry was shocking the two professors because they have never seen a smile from the transfiguration professor. Leaving the two shocked professors who covered their shock extremely well and his 'Aunt' in the security of shield  which included silencing spell and many more spells and wards created by Harry himself. He stepped forward with Fawkes on his shoulder again who has recently appeared via Flame Travel and was now sitting on the shoulder of his familiar and was eyeing the crowd of people who were standing in a semi-circle, hands raised in universal sign of surrender and was talking to his familiar by their mind bond.

**Fawkes:-Are you Okay Hatchling.

Questioned Fawkes as he saw a two people in the crowd were unfamiliar but rest all  people were familiar. Which included:-

*Albus Dumbledor

*Severus Snape

*James Potter

*Lily Potter

*Sirius Black

*Remus Lupin

*Nymphorada Lupin nee' Tonks

*Alastor mad-eye Moody

*Frank Longbottom[Father of Neville Longbottom}

*Alice Longbottom[Mother of neville Longbottom]

*Cedric Diggory

*Fabian Prewett[Cousin of Molly Weasley]

*Gideon Prewett[Cousin of Molly Weasley]

*Fred Weasley with an ear floating around his head

*Dobby- The Free elf

* Hedwig 

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