Seems Legit, ha?

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Do you really think that the sun dies every night so as to let the moon shine? Nah, that is such a cheesy trait for a celestial object, because if you really ponder over it, then the fact is that; the sun decides to take a break every night after shining so bright the whole day. After all, it needs to rest!Lol (I know it doesn't make sense in the scientific point of view xD)

The flowers enhance the beauty of the nature by its colourful and enchanting aura, right? But what if I told you that it just accessorises itself to attract insects for pollination. I'm sure most of you know, but come to think of it.

Those examples were drawn from the non-living world just to show that selfishness is not a human trait alone. Every thing existing in this universe expresses those traits. Take the smallest particle-an atom,  for instance. It reacts with other atoms so as to gain energy and become stable, similar to us. Selfishness isn't a bad trait at all, it is a natural inborn trait within us all, that defines our purpose to live. Even the noblest of men are born selfish. What would be the point of existing if we were born selfless and stop caring about ourselves? That doesn't mean we should solely think of ourselves by shutting out the world. "But exploiting our selfish cravings in a way so as to satisfy your greed, is what turns it into an unhealthy evil!"

A simple example to elucidate the above statement:

Suppose you are given a cheese cake and as you are about to dig into it to satisfy yourself, you lay eyes upon a kid who seems to be drooling over the cake eyeing it. Of course, you would pity him and share your cake. But what if you just ran a mile, sweating& panting and your stomach's rumbling as hell. You wouldn't care less if the kid cried over you cake, all your attention would be on filling that empty stomach of yours. Maybe later you would go asking, "Hey kid, I know you wanted that cake so bad but I was hungry. How about I buy you another cake, now that I'm satisfied?" Seems kind and legit ha? ;)

Selfish CravingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora