Another secret

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 Ohm opened the door slowly, in his heart he kept chanting, "I hope I don't get scolded,".

 "Sawadika mr.jimmy ," he said after he faced Jimmy 

 "Sawadekha. Is my face so scary that you are pale like this," said Jimmy , he smiled at the end of the sentence.  This was the first time he saw Jimmy smile, usually his face was always tense with no expression, “Just go ahead, starting tomorrow you will officially become my personal secretary.  Your place is there,” Jimmy pointed to the corner of the room on the left, right next to the window.  Ohm was stunned for a moment, he was still shocked to hear Jimmy's statement after all that happened today.  Ohm still can't think clearly, everything feels weird.  Jimmy's room too, he thought there were no extra chairs and desks in this room.

 " Answer! it's late, do you want to stay here?  " shouted Jimmy

 "I'm sorry,"ohm's voice trembled. 

 "I don't need your apology, just say yes or no,"

 Ohm nodded quickly in agreement.

 "Okay.  Let's go home, it's almost midnight," Jimmy grabbed his coat and car keys.  Ohm stayed where he was, he was still confused.

 "Ohm pawat!”  

 " I can go home alone," replied ohm.

 "Who wants to take you home, I just want you to leave my room. Go!  "

 "Khub. Sawadee,"

 "Why is the lift taking so long?”  ohm grumbled.

 "Why run?  Am I scary? "

 Ohm immediately turned to the source of the voice.  Jimmy was already beside him.

 He just smiled.  Is this an unlucky day?  After entering the elevator the two were silent until the elevator stopped.  The two of them came out at the same time, for those who saw it would think that they were dating.

 "Ohm!  " cried a woman whose voice was familiar to ohm's ears.  Not only him, even Jimmy too.  They reflexively walked towards that woman.

 “Oooo… Don't tell me you're dating,” she joked. The woman pointed to ohm and Jimmy. 

 "Milk, he's my boss," Ohm said defensively.

 Ohm turned to milk who now wrapped her arms around Jimmy's arms.

 "Why are you surprised, he's my phi, he must be troublesome for you,"

 “No , he is a good person.”

 “phi, accompany me to eat.  Khun kirdpan is still busy with his work," milk whined.

 Ohm smiled, she had never seen her best friend like that before.

 "Ah.  Come with me, we have dinner together," milk offered.

 “kho thud na,I have an appointment with my friend.  Thank you for inviting me, then see you again milk, Mr. Jimmy, sawadee,"


 In front of the company, a man with a backpack is standing in a corner like people say.  The corners of his lips lifted as a man walked towards him.

 "I'm sorry, I just met my best friend, have you been waiting for me for a long time, Nanon,"

 "It's okay, I just arrived too. Come , my stomach has been rumbling ever since."

 The two of them walked in the dark of night leaving the company.  Occasionally laughter accompanied their steps.

 "Thanks for the dinner," said ohm

 "Do you live here?"  Nanon asked while pointing to the condo behind ohm

 "Actually I live on the rooftop of this building, how can I pay the rent here," he answered.

 Nanon smiled meaningfully.  He was up to something,"   It's late, go home and rest."

 "Oh, I'm going home first."



 "Who was that guy?  Was he the heart thief who returned your things?" Asked love.

 "Hehehe.  He's my friend, "

 "Eh? Just friends?  "

 "Khub, ah love started tomorrow I will be a secretary, personal secretary," 

 "Waa,  does that guy know about this?"

 "Not yet.  I want to surprise him tomorrow," ohm's face brightened just by imagining nanon' face.

 "Hmm, you said he wasn't special, look, your face is like a boiled crab like this, still denying it," love pinched ohm's cheek exasperatedly, "it's late, get some rest phi,”

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 "Hmm, you said he wasn't special, look, your face is like a boiled crab like this, still denying it," love pinched ohm's cheek exasperatedly, "it's late, get some rest phi,”

JUST FRIENDS( Finish)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora