Chapter 3

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(Y/n) POV)

I watched the Buggy Pirates party from a far. Nami was sitting in front of the man himself, and Luffy was sitting in a cage. I chuckled watching Luffy struggle to stretch and reach a piece of meat.

Buggy: "Men! Prepare a Special Buggy Ball!" The pirates cheered as a cannon was rolled up, and everyone gathered around. One of the fodder pirates walked forward carrying a large red ball with Buggy's jolly roger in it.

Fodder: "All set, sir!"

Nami: "W-What's about to happen?"

Buggy: "Observe the might of the Buggy Ball! Light it." The cannon was facing the town, and I watched the fuse shorten as the flame danced downwards. The ball tore through a large portion of the town.

'This bastard...' Buggy and his crew were cheering, while Nami looked shocked.

Buggy: "Truly flashy! With Buggy Balls and devil fruit powers, I can conquer the Grand Line! Right, Nami?"

Nami: "Y-Yes! Of course!"

Luffy: "EH?! I'm the one who's gonna rule the Grand Line!"

Buggy: "What?"

Luffy: "I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!"

Nami: "You idiot!" Buggy was trying not to laugh.

Buggy: "I see why you're sick of him, Nami!"

Nami: "Yeah! He takes the world too lightly and misunderstands everything. I couldn't put up with it anymore."

Buggy: "Naturally! In that case, I'll give you a Buggy Ball to blow away your old boss!"


Buggy: "It'll also serve to prove your loyalty to me. Do it!"

'HEH?!' I watched the pirates roll the cannon to in front of Luffy's cage.

Nami: "No, that's okay! C'mon, this is a welcoming party! Let's have fun!"

Buggy: "Do it. This is my style of welcoming party." He handed her what I'm gonna assume is a matchbox.

Buggy Pirates: "Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!"

'Nami's hesitating... guess I should hop in.' I slip my left arm out of my jacket sleeve before a wing grows out of the left side of my body. I use that wing to jump, and propel myself into the air. As I near my landing zone, I flap my wing once before retracting it, and putting my arm back through the sleeve.

Buggy: "Alright! Light it flashily!" I land in front of Luffy's cage, and the chanting stops.

"So you actually betrayed us, Nami. I'm a bit hurt honestly."

Buggy: "Who're you?"

Fodder: "Sir! He was with her, and the strawhat!"

"Didn't Luffy beat your ass earlier?"

Buggy: "Nami! Don't whimp out on me now! Blast that Buggy Ball through both of them!"

Luffy: "What's the matter? Your hands are shaking. That's what happens when you take on pirates with half-assed resolve."

Nami: "Resolve to do what?! To kill people like it's nothing?! Is that a pirate's resolve?!"

Luffy: "No! The resolve to put your own life on the line!" The matchbox was then snatched from Nami's hands.

Fodder: "Hey, new chick! Quit bein' a tease! This is how you light it!" Just as he was about to light the fuse, Nami bonks the bitch on the back of the head with a wooden staff.

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