Connie snorts out a laugh from his chair and Jean glares at him. "That's true! Y/N does do that!" He continues his laughter despite Sasha turning around and smacking his leg to shut up. He kicks Sasha and she slaps him again. The start bickering like little kids as Jean thinks.

Jean did know about that eye twitch thing you do. And how it really only happened when you became highly irritated. You did it on the first day he approached you when you were staring at Annie and Bertholdt. Then again when he lied and said you weren't his type. It wasn't an obvious habit you had but enough for Jean to notice. Then again, maybe he just stared at you that much to notice and understand when you did it which was usually because you were trying to process something you weren't expecting. Almost like you had to process visually with your eyes as well to get it through your head. It was honestly really cute to Jean.

Jean looks up from the notepad he was drawing on and yells at Connie and Sasha to stop their petty bickering. Sasha turns back around to see the dirty look spread across Jean's face.

Who could blame him? The way Sasha said it was as if it was the best news in the world. Then again that's how Sasha always talked. But Jean didn't have the patience for it right now. Or Connie's laughter. Not when it came to you.

"What's that sour look for Jeany?" Sasha pouts dramatically. Jean puts his focus back on the sketch and back to Sash's hair to copy down. "Don't call me that." His face and voice are monotone.

"What do you want from me? Sheesh, I'm not gonna lie to you. Lighten up!" Sasha reaches over and slaps Jean's forehead. His dirty look remains on his face as he reaches over and slaps Sasha's forehead back. "I said stop moving dumbass. This picture doesn't even look like you anymore because you keep moving so much."

"I'm sure it looks fine just keep going. I've been waiting for this ever since I found out your little hidden talent, Jean boy."

"Fucking- Sasha stop moving your face so much. Just be quiet."

"You were the one asking me the questions, dummy."

"That's true you were asking the questions." Connie chimes in despite his bickering with Sasha a few moments ago. The two were like fucking twin siblings. One moment they were fighting and the next they were fine.

Jean lets out a sigh of frustration and slaps the notebook on the hardwood floor with the blunt, chewed up pencil Sasha gave him to use. He tried not to think where the bite marks on the pencil came from as he speaks up. "Never mind. I don't wanna do this anymore. This is pointless."

"Fine, fine, who put your panties in a twist today? Jeez, I know you think Y/N is pretty Jean, but it's been two weeks, time to untwist the panties and breath." Connie says as Sasha goes to pick up the notepad and pencil and throws them back on Jean's lap and motions for him to continue. "I'll be quiet and let you finish." Sasha has a shit eating grin on her face. Jean sensed she wasn't done and this was her way of offering her bargain.

"But?" Jean asks.

"Okay, so tell me what you're gonna say to her. One more time." Her face finally relaxes as if she's satisfied with herself. "Yeah let me hear it to. I haven't heard the full thing."

When Jean wasn't busy staring at you from the far, the past fourteen days Sasha and him, sometimes Connie, made a perfect script for Jean to recite to you after the two week long hiatus was over. His "apology."

As Armin would say, a speech for Jean to give to you to pull your strings just right. This attempt though to talk to you didn't have as much a malicious backstory to it like Armin's did.

Jean stares at the notebook and continues to sketch as he recites Sasha's homemade speech. It's not a long one but enough for Sasha to say "WOW. You know if I close my eyes and make pretend a boy I really liked said that to me, I think my heart would LOVE that! Well done, just don't say it like you're reciting it. Make pretend it's natural and authentic and like you mean it." Jean sets the pencil down and starts rubbing the finishes touches on Sasha's portrait and grumbles at Sasha's words.

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