Chapter 1: A Klyntarian Discovery

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Journal Entry: 1

Date: March 1, 2015

Name: Peter

Surname: Parker

Middle Name: Benjamin

Hello my name's Peter Parker but you can call me the spectacular Spider-Man, so earlier today I discovered this weird gooey meteoroid and instead of doing the stupid thing and trying it on I brought it to Mr. Stark or as you know him Iron Man. When I did so Iron Man was so proud of me here's what he said, "Good job pajama's, now let's see what this gooey creature is about". You guys would not believe how happy I am to hear that, Iron Man is like my idol ever since growing up I watched him and always wanted to be him, I finally got that chance when that radioactive spider bit me and gave me powers. Anyway its the end of the day I'm gonna sign out as my wife Mary Jane is waiting for me and we're expecting a child soon.

Journal Entry: 1

Date: March 1, 2015

Name: Anthony

Surname: Stark

Middle Name: Edward

Hello my name is Tony Stark but most people know me as either my playboy billionaire persona or my superhero one Iron Man, doesn't matter either. I'm the leader of the Avengers, married to Virginia "Pepper" Pott who's now Pepper Stark ha, I made a funny. Anyway me and the Avengers were doing work stuff when the kid brought us this weird gooey alien I told him he did a good job though I did have some critique for the way he brought it to us, I mean I'm sure there are nicer ways to bring stuff then plain old web-slinging. So being that this alien seemed beyond my comprehension I brought it to Mr. Fantastic himself, also known as Reed Richards a scientist who and this is hard for me to say has dealt with more aliens than me or anyone else can count sure I've also ended up dealing with those alien too but he's dealt with more. Let's hope he can't find out what this things is so I can do so instead.

Journal Entry: 1

Date: March 1, 2015

Name: Steven

Surname: Rogers

Middle Name: Grant

Hello my name is Captain Steven Rogers though most know me as Captain America, I'm a soldier from way back in a time known as World War II. I fought for this county against the Nazis, against Hydra, and against the Redskull, he wanted this thing known as the tesseract that held power unlike we'd ever seen. I knew a power that great didn't belong in the hands of a villain that maniacal this world would be in grave danger, after defeating him I knew I had no choice but to launch my vessel into the ice. When I woke up, I was devastated and happy, devastated because I missed 70 years of my ice sleeping in the ice, and happy well because at least I was alive. One thing that really got me and made me unhappy was the fact that when I saw what everyone else had I believed they didn't need me, but upon watching other heroes fight especially against me I realized they did need me, I realized it was time for me to come back. So I joined a team made by Nick Fury called the Avengers were I met Tony Stark a billionaire playboy like his father who was a hero known as Iron man. Robert Bruce Banner a scientist who studied gamma energy turning him into a angry green being known as the Hulk that he only turns back into when angry and Banner when calmed. I don't want this journal entry to be too long but when I joined the Avengers it felt great to be a hero again, then today the young hero Peter Parker known as Spider-Man came in with this black rock he found in the middle of nowhere. He brought it to us, smart move now we could have a scientist figure out what this thing is and Stark told me he was gonna give this to the best scientist in the world. At first I was a bit mad because I thought he meant himself but Stark did the right think having Reed study it, Reed had studied and seen more aliens than the Avengers and I can count and we've found and counted a lot.

Journal Entry: 1

Date: March 1, 2015

Name: Robert

Surname: Banner

Middle Name: Bruce

Hello my name is Robert Bruce Banner, but I go by my middle name which is what you can call me Bruce. I'm a scientist who studied gamma energy and created a gamma bomb for experiments however it malfunctioned and a young man would have been murdered by it if not for me when blasted by it I was turned into a green being of rage called the Hulk. Since then I have been across the world trying to get rid of the creature since we both hate each other it hates me for trying to be rid of it. I hate it because I believe it is a danger to society with all the damage its called however when I joined the Avengers I saw a light in the Hulk and we made piece now the Hulk does have a place in this world as a hero. With the help of the Avengers the Hulk and I fight the biggest supervillains there are in the world I turn into the Hulk when stressed or angered to much, the Hulk turns back into me when calm or too happy. Later today the new hero real name Peter Parker, hero name Spider-Man brought in a black piece of goo that he responsibly brought to us. I dislike Parker for the reason that I see my self in him a cocky smart kid who feels like he's got his whole life ahead of him, the Hulk however like the kid and gives him the nickname "Bug man" he's one of the many things the 2 of us disagree about. However when is needed I put our differences aside with Parker especially if it means saving the world as saving the world comes before petty arguments. This is Bruce and Hulk signing out.

Journal Entry: 1

Date: March 1, 2015

Name: Reed

Surname: Richards

Hello I'm Reed Richards, I'm a scientist with the ability to stretch my limbs to any size whatever the purpose of it. I was gained this power when me, my wife, my brother-in-law, my best friend, and our other friend went up into space each of us gaining powers from it. I gained the ability to stretch, my wife Susan gained the ability to turn invisible and make force fields, my brother-in-law gained the ability to engulf himself in flames without being hurt, my best friend turned into a rocky being similar to the Hulk, and our other friend gained electricity like powers. While we decided to use our powers for the good of man kind as the Fantastic Four our friend with electricity powers decided to use them for his own self worth. We have defeated him many times even with help from the Avengers at one point in time, then one day the kid superhero himself Spider-Man brought in this piece of black goo and Tony being the wise guy he is brought it into me so now I'm studying and honestly I want to see what happens. Who knows we could possibly use it to cure all diseases on Earth. For now this Mr. Fantastic signing out.

Log Entry: 1

Date: March 1, 2015

Name: Mary

Surname: Parker

Middle Name: Jane

I know, I know, I'm no super hero but Peter didn't want me to feel left out, he thought to himself that if all the Avengers gets these journal entries I should too. I asked him why, especially since I'm not the one studying an alien creature for the next few months I'm gonna mostly be staying at home spending time with the little one in my womb. He told me that he wanted to include me on this because I'm his wife and to him it doesn't matter whether I'm a superhero or not. I knew Peter wasn't going to back down from this so I decided not to argue just be warned since I don't really spend time with the Avengers I'm mostly gonna be sending updates in this journal about the baby until its time for it to be born. This is Mary Jane Watson-Parker signing out.

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