LVIII. The Advisor.

Start from the beginning

He bumped his beer on mine. Taking a long swig off his beer. I did the same.

Me: The next day we went surfing. When she lost her balance on the board she didn't resurfaced right away. It turns out she had cramps. I was nearer so I swam as fast as I can. I was able to get to her in time.

Mark: You saved her?

Me: Yah! Of course I did. She did hurt me but I still I...

Mark: Love her. I knew it. You weren't like that when you broke up with your last girlfriend. Come To think of it you weren't like that to your exes.

I took a drink. He was right. It was the first time I felt like that.

Mark: Let me guess, She's talking to you again right?

Me: Yeah.

Mark: And you thought you saving her would change her mind?

Me: No of course. I tried hard not to contact her after the vacation.

Mark was looking at me deep in thought. We didn't talk for a few minutes. He was staring at me all the time.

Mark: I'm thinking if I should say this or not. I don't know if you remember this, but you once said to me when I was courting someone in College, you told me that I should never give up until I've exhausted all my efforts. I think you need to do that too.

I can't believe what I'm hearing.

Me: Wow. A while ago you were about to curse her.

Mark: I did. but like what I said earlier this was the first time you felt that way. I remember a quote from Norman Foster "As an architect, you design for the present, with an awareness of the past for a future which is essentially unknown"

He then leaned forward.

Mark: Let the past be your base, Do what you need to do in the present and whatever happens will be your future. So all you need is to just stick to your guts, like how you defy orders from our boss or clients.

I laughed at his last remark but still I was shocked. We seldom have this serious talks. I'm not really the type to tell my friends my problems.

Me: Wow. Is that really you Mark?

Mark: Oh shut up. But you know what, i realized just now that this is the first time you ever shared your problems with me. I mean the personal ones.

Me: Yeah I don't. you know I'm not the type.

Mark: yeah, You're as stubborn as shit.

We laughed. We opened our last beer. As I drank I took in what Mark had said.

Me: When you came earlier I was contemplating on whether to go to her. She have this big event from her company tomorrow.

Mark: Well, stick to what your guts tells you.

I paused for a while, then a thought came into mind.

Me: I think I'll go.

Mark: Then go. Look if you really thinks it's very unlike her, then there might be a deeper reason why she pretended to be mean. You should find it out. And if you feel that there's a chance even if you know you'll fail like 99%, take advantage of that 1%.

Me: Woah! I'm seeing you now in a whole new light.

He looked proud of himself as he finishes the remains of his beer.

Mark: Yeah, well you completely know me now then.

Me: What the... Mark, the advisor. Damn, I don't think I'd get used to that.

Mark: Oh shut up. Just thank me by treating this dinner.

Me: Nice transition. You somehow connected that huh.

Mark: Well, what are friends are for?

I threw one empty can to him which he catched.

I took a deep breath. It's somehow felt refreshing. Somehow my chest felt a bit lighter now that someone knows it and even gave it a different view.

It ended with me paying for our dinner and I dropped him at his house. Then I went back to the office. I opened my drawer, took a quick look at the ticket and put it on my bag.

I arranged my files that need to be submitted. Signed what needed to be signed. Made a quick email to my secretary.

I messaged Mr. Lim that I'd be on leave tomorrow. He immediately replied 'no problem. Enjoy yourself. Make it a few days if you need.'

I smiled. I'm lucky to have a kind boss. I replied. "I'll keep that in mind Sir. I'll let you know right away if ever I need it."

I then messaged Mark about asking for a favour of checking the newly installed theater sound system on my latest project. He replied Yes right away.

I then headed home. After taking a shower and dress up. I sat at the terrace looking at the view. The concert was at 2pm. I still have time to buy... What do I have to buy? A few minutes of thinking made me feel sleepy. I decided to call it a day and went to my room and I immediately fell asleep.

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