LVIII. The Advisor.

Start from the beginning

Mark: Everything in life is complicated but we, ourselves, makes it more complicated than we think it is.

I looked at him. He got that serious and concerned look.

Me: Can we eat first, I'm really hungry.

Mark looked disappointed.

Mark: Damn I'm at the verge of my seat here bro then all you say is you're hungry. Tsk. Okay. Okay. Let's feed you first.

A few minutes later our food arrived as well as the beer. We ate first and was talking about work. He handed me a beer.

Mark: So now that you're well fed and hydrated, go on what you were about to say.

Me: there's this girl...

Mark: Uhuh...

Me: She's complicated. I can feel that she likes me but still pushes me away. She was the reason why I... You know 2 years ago.

Mark: Oh. I knew it was about a girl. So, did you ask why she kept pushing you?

Me: I did. We accidentally met when I went in Jeju.

Mark was surprised he almost spill his beer.

Mark: What!? Jeez. The world is really that small huh.

Me: Yeah. She was with her friends who also knew me. Since we met there we decided to stay together and tour the island. To make the story short. That's where she told me to stay away. Though she said that, still I didn't ran away. I stayed but just ignored her. The next night after that, me, her and her friends drink in our hotel. Her friends ask me about my dating life for the past 2 years and it led to us talking about her though indirectly. Then one of her friend said It was unfair just to tell me to stop without any explanation. She then went to her room. Me, being drunk, got the confidence to ask.

I paused to drink my beer.

Mark: go on.

Me: She doesn't want to say it at first but she eventually did. And it hurts damn much. She said she doesn't like me, like how I like her. She doesn't even want to be friends with me. That she's not like me.

Mark: Damn. That does hurt. Who the hell does she think she is. That Homophobic Bi...

Me: It's not like that.

Mark: What? You're defending her?

Me: No. When she said that, it wasn't like her. She suddenly change into this cold demeanor.

Mark: I can't believe you. She just told you hurtful even homophobic things and yet you think that?

Me: She said those things but I feel it didn't come from her heart. I know her she's never mean.

He shook his head and drank his beer.

Mark: So what happened then?

Me: I told her that I don't believe her, but if she stand by to what she said I wouldn't wait any longer. That it's too much to bear.

Mark suddenly clapped his hand.

Mark: A second there I thought you'd beg her not to leave you. But oh my, I was so wrong. You did good. Cheers to that!

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