Chapter 4 - Exploring Perth

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Troye's POV:

Today, Connor and I decide that I should show him around. I also wanted to visit some friends I haven't seen in so long but I have two months and Connor's only here for two weeks. We walk around town and he takes a lot of pictures. We eat a quick bite at this really quaint restraunt. I ask Connor where he wants to go but he is not sure. I try to think of something romantic. Hmmmm thats when I look over at Connor's magazine and I see a picture of Swan river. That seems such a nice place to go! I grab Connor by the hand and leave some money. A tour is starting in 20 min so I call a cab to takes us to the lake. When we get there we go into a little suvenior shop. We go to the front desk and book a private tour. They say we have to wait another 15 min. Oh wow it's already 6:30 pm. It has been another long day. I look at Connor and he starts smiling. "What?" I ask him. He smiles and looks at me and he answers "I'm just thinking about the day we first met."


It was a beautiful day. I had just landed my flight from Perth to London, England. Tyler Oakley my best friend and I decided to travel to England to visit some old friends. Tyler and I grab our bags and head outside to get a taxi. As soon as we got outside, a excited group of people came running to hug us both. it consisted of Alfie, Joe, Zoe, Marcus, Namoi, Louise, and Caspar. There was also a familiar face at the back of the group. Someone I have wanted to meet for so long. Yes it was the one and only Connor Franta. Tyler of course rushed up to Connor and gave him a bug o'l bear hug. Connor hugged back and laughed "I missed you too Tyler" he said. I shyly went up to him to introduce myself. He had a smile that just melted my heart and his eyes twinkled in the sun. Was I seriously crushing on a guy I just met? I was about to shake his hand when he gave me a hug. I relaxed and I couldn't stop smiling. Why did he have to be so perfect!!!


I smile back at Connor, remembering the first time I met him too. I had a crush on him but little did I know that he had feelings for me too.

Connor's POV:

Today Troye showed me around Perth. We ate a bite of food at this cute little restraunt. We decided to go have a tour of the Swan river. I was very excited to go take pictures of the beautiful lake. We sit down in the waiting room and they told us the next private tour was in 15 min. I look at Troye. I remeber the first time I met him...


It was a gorgeous morning in London, England. I was in the bathroom styling my hair. I was debating weather I should tell Zoe that I was gay or not. We have become really good friends. My thought was interupted as I heard Zoe shout from downstairs to hurry up. I am staying with Zoe while I visit London. As I come down the stairs she looks at me and says "you almost take as long as me in the bathroom" I blush and she laughs. We grab some toast and quickly pop by starbucks to get a drink. "So what are we doing today Zoe?" I ask. She says were going to hang out at Joe and Caspar's place then go to the airport to meet someone. "Who?" I ask. She doesn't tell me home which makes me curious. We get to Caspar's and Joe's place and alot of other people are there too. Alfie, Naimoi, Marcus, and Louise are there too. I say hello to everyone and give them big hugs. We all catch up, I think I felt ready enough to tell the group that I was gay but then Zoe shouted that it was time to pick up the mystery visitor. I decided to tell them another time. We waited outside the airport for about 5 min. When I see everyone holler and run in the direction of the visitor. I couldn't see the person but judging by quick glimpses it was a male who was slim and had brown hair. Everyone gave him hugs and he then turned to me. I realised it was the person I wanted to meet since forever. The guy who I have had a crush on since I saw his youtube videos. Troye sivan. He shyly went up to me and introduced himself. I gave him a hug even though his head was out for me to shake it. His smile was so cute and he kept his smile after I hugged him. Wow he sure was perfect.


He smiles back at me... The lady then calls us up "Mr. Sivan, your private tour is ready". I look at Troye and he smiles, I follow him who follows the guide to the boat. She tours us around for a bit, it then starts getting late. She says that we can have another 30min to just paddle and floast around in the lake. So far it has been a beautiful day. The pictures I got were really good. The sun is setting and the night gets darker and darker. Troye leans his head on my shoulder as we cuddle on the boat. We find a blanket to drape around us both. The stars come out and they are shining so beautifully. It's so amazing! I whisper to troye "I love you forever" and he whispers back "franta I will love you 1000 more times than you love me". We both lean in for a kiss, it soon turns more passionate. I feel sparks and fireworks. Troye is the love of my life and will always be.


Hey guys it's me again obvoiusly... so I just wanted to let you know that I would love for you to comment! Don't be shy because voting and commenting means a lot to me!!!! The more you vote and comment the more I will update. I hope your liking the story so far. Thx so much!

Hanna <3

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