Liar (oneshot)

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AN: Not me making a book for another character and not continuing with the characters I already have 🙃No warnings apply here, just pure lighthearted fluff and humor!

"Do you think this will finally get them to stop dragging their heels, president?" Shirley quirked her head in curiosity.

"Of course! This plan is 100% full-proof!" Milly snickered mischievously as she placed an object on Lelouch's desk just before the bell rang indicating the start of last period. Shirley sighed in exasperation at her response before taking her seat.

A few minutes later Lelouch finally entered the classroom, late as always. The instructor scolded him for never arriving on time, but he couldn't care less as he nonchalantly made his way to his desk. As he sat down, he noticed a pastel pink envelope that read "To Lelouch, open immediately upon receipt." in neat cursive writing with a heart doodled next to his name. He turned the envelope around and saw "From (Y/N)" written on the opposite side with stars doodled around it. Perplexed, he opened it and inspected the piece of paper tucked neatly inside. He read it once, then read it again to make sure he was comprehending correctly, and then gave a light chuckle before carefully putting away the letter.

On the other side of the classroom, Milly and Shirley were watching. "Did you see the look on his face?" Milly whispered to Shirley who sat adjacent to her. "Looks like my plan is proceeding smoothly, heehee!" The ginger haired girl facepalmed in response, she knew Lelouch wouldn't be so easily tricked.

Meanwhile, in the classroom next door, you were toiling away at your statistics homework when Nina approached you. "Umm, the president told me to inform you she would like your help setting up things for the next school festival." the girl twiddled her thumbs nervously. "Is that so? Sure I can help, just tell me when and where we'll be working." you responded. "The student council room at 5, does that work for you?" you paused in thought. "Hmm, I believe so. I should be done with my activities by then!" Satisfied with your answer, Nina gave you a slight smile before excusing herself.

Today had been a busy day, and before you knew it the bell signifying the end of the school day rang. You stretched your tired limbs before gathering your things and heading to the swim club. You passed Lelouch on the way, but didn't see him in the crowded hallway. His gaze fixed heatedly on your back as he watched you go. It was only 4, so he decided to bide his time and go see Nunally early for once. Their home was technically part of the student council clubroom, after all.

After a good workout from swimming, you took a quick shower and changed back into your school uniform. The clock on the wall of the dressing room said 4:50, you'd be arriving right on time. A yawn slipped out as you lazily slipped your book bag around your shoulder, hopefully you'd be finished helping Milly by 6 and could finally go home to rest. The hallways were practically empty with only a few staff left behind as you made your way to the student council room and opened the door.

To your surprise, nobody was there. The usual rowdy space now looked like a ghost town, there was no sign of any recent festival work having been done. Perplexed, you took out your phone to text Milly when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Lelouch was never on time for anything, but this time he felt himself get overexcited to confront you here. "Good evening, (Y/N)." The dark haired man greeted you with his usual gentleman smile.

"Lelouch? Why are you here?" the confusion was written plainly across your face. "Whatever do you mean, (Y/N)? You're the one who told me to meet you here....or is my presence unwanted?" he feigned a hurt expression. Your heart fluttered at his teasing. No...his presence is very wanted, but you could never tell him that! "Huh? I told you no such thing! Do I look like some sort of fool to you?" Dammit, you hadn't meant to come across so hostile, you thought to yourself. The harder you tried to hide your feelings, the more defensive you became.

"Don't be like that, (Y/N). Look, it's written here." the man smirked as he placed an envelope in your hand. "And what's this?" you gave him a suspicious look as you turned the envelope around to see your name written on the back. "Just open it and see." he purred in response. Still perplexed, you opened the envelope and pulled out the thin piece of paper inside. The contents were as follows:

My dearest Lelouch,

I am writing you this letter to confess my honest feelings for you.

When I think about you, my heart aches. 

Your perfect smile, those gorgeous violet eyes, that dark silky hair

they make my heart sing in adoration. I've never felt this way.

Just a few words from you are able to make me lose my composure.

This feeling, it's love isn't it? I love everything about you, Lelouch.

I'll be waiting in the student council clubroom at 5 to hear your answer.

Eternally yours, (Y/N).

Your fingers trembled as you read each word in silence, your heart felt like it was about to leap out of your chest and you could feel your ears burning. Lelouch watched your facial reactions in amusement, and when he concluded that you were done spoke. "Well? Is it all coming back to you now, (Y/N)?" taunting you with his sweet smile. "I...clearly you should know...that I didn't write this!" you covered your face in embarrassment, this was clearly Milly's work. "Oh I know, the handwriting was off and I could hear the president snickering loudly when I opened the letter." he laughed like it was no big deal.

"If you knew...then why couldn't you just throw it away and continue about your business?" there was a slight tremble in your voice.  "I just wanted to bully you a bit, your reactions are oh so entertaining after all." Truly, Lelouch was getting a kick out of this. You pouted as he closed the gap between you, grinning from ear to ear. "....But(Y/N), even though the letter wasn't your doing....I bet there was still some truth to what was written, wasn't there?" 

His eyes lit up playfully, and you flushed in mortification at his realization.  You could barely get out the word "N-no-" before his lips covered yours. You closed your eyes and immediately gave yourself over to the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Lelouch pulled you closer in response as your mouths moved together in heated desperation. Oh how you had longed for each other's touch, you mentally kicked yourself for not just admitting how you felt earlier. Reluctantly, you separated for breath, but still held onto each other. Lelouch peered into your eyes lovingly and tilted your chin upwards.


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