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You wake up to your room.You yawn a bit and get up to your mom calling you to breakfast. "Y/n!!!!!!" she yelled from the didn't wanna go because you didn't feel like eating but you walked slowly to your phone charging and get a f/c hoodie a put it on dashing downstairs.

"Y/n your finally here!" your annoying younger brother said having his technoblade plushie next to him.
Your brother had dark brown hair and was dressed up with technoblade things and you were surprised your mom let him
Dye a streak of his hair pink."Heyyyyyyyy what's for breakfast mom?" you asked grinning."Some eggs with bacon"she replied.
You ate quickly and put some f/c sneakers and ran out.
" I'm going to walk around mum! "You called." okay sweetie be careful! "

You were walking around the block until you saw a boy around your age fuming at his mom.
"Mum you know when I'm streaming you can't just barge in!" he yelled at his mom.
Then he slammed the door still mad.He looked at you and you both looked at each other a bit.You look away and start walking away like if you saw nothing.When you looked back he was just calming down then you saw him go back inside the house.
"What a weird boy..." you thought.


You were back at your house.You decided to play some Minecraft with some people you met in this server you joined on discord.You saw the only 2 people you knew tubbo  and wilbur in a vc but surprisingly you saw someone else who went by tommyinit.You were freaking out.Your celebrity crush from who knows when was there.You decided to stream so you got your equipment ready and started the stream.You joined the vc and decided to play with all three of them
"Y/n help me!!!!! "Tommyinit yelled
" Noooooooo!don't help him!!! "Wilbur and tubbo yelled back.

You were just there laughing at the chaos.You ended your stream and decided to go to bed.


You woke up to the sound of your brother watching a technoblade stream where he is just screaming at the top of his lungs in your room." what the hell bro! "You yelled at him still tired and sad cuz he interrupted your dream of getting 5mil followers on twitch.
" just watching technoblade sis! "He said happy he interrupted your glorious dream.You decided you should start your day so you got up went to the restroom got ready then ran back to your room got a f/c shirt and ran downstairs to eat.

" Hey sweetie"your mom said with a grin on her face.
"Hey mom haven't I told you to tell max to stop going on my room every morning and waking me up!" you said angrily
"Yes I have dear but if he doesn't listen to me he is going to get grounded and got with the flip flop."
You saw your brother who was scared for his life because you knew he hated the flip flop and just couldn't live without technoblade.

You decided to talk with your friendos + the one you made last night,tommy.You made a friend group of all three of them and you had nicknames of all of them,although Wilbur was just Wilbur.Tubbo was bee boy and Tommy was Pog champ 🏆.You named the friend group Poggers because you thought it's was pog.

Bee boy:hey y/n
Y/n:hey Tubbo is Wilbur online?
Bee boy:idk i don't think so why?
Y/n:nothing just wanted to ask him something
Bee boy:oh oki
Pog champ 🏆:hey y/n You free?
Y/n:you You need something?
Pog champ 🏆:yeah I was wondering if you wanted to play Minecraft with me for a bit

You played Minecraft with tommy for a long time you lost track of time."Hey tommy I have to go now talk to you later?"" sure! "He replied quickly.You got off and went to sleep......

Your brother had dark brown hair and was dressed up with technoblade things and you were surprised your mom let him
Dye a streak of his hair pink.

Bonus:Your brother had dark brown hair and was dressed up with technoblade things and you were surprised your mom let him Dye a streak of his hair pink

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"Y/n help me!!!!! "Tommyinit yelled
" Noooooooo!don't help him!!! "Wilbur and tubbo yelled back:

"Y/n help me!!!!! "Tommyinit yelled" Noooooooo!don't help him!!! "Wilbur and tubbo yelled back:

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