Save Yourself, Baby (Song)

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Save Yourself, Baby

I cry my tears

I can't breathe 

I keep screaming for you

But there is no more air for me

What happened to the one I love?

What happened to you?

Why do you drink away this pain?

What happened; what is this monster inside of you?  

It amazes me how much you think I missed

As you drink and drink and then we kiss

Your lips taste like the burning Vodka

That I used to try and drink

You think these things I don't notice

But I see them more than I dismiss

You think I don't see you wincing

From the pain of your morning piss

You love something else more than me

Her name you scream at night is Alcohol

And I don't think she'll ever set you free

She's held you close for maybe a year

But that short time is what breaks my fear

You drink way more than you actually should

You don't party with the other boys in the Hood

I think I finally understand this heartbreak and misery

I think I understand; you choose her, not me

I couldn't understand

When you said it to my face

You said you were choosing Alcohol over me

The pain I would endure, I couldn't see

You're sober now, for today, you tell me

But I know tomorrow is another binge drinking spree

I'm telling you now, but I don't know if I'm through with you

Every word I speak comes from my heart and bleeds true

I can't promise I'll be alive to see

But one day, she'll turn on you

And then you'll want to come back to me

I know, in my heart, as I bleed these words

My world is being crushed with your blurring world

But you know what? 

That's fine

You've showed me how a man shouldn't be

You've showed me your weakness

You've showed me the kind

That make me lie awake

Or dream of you at night

I only hope God hears me praying

And he'll come down and help with the saving 

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