Addicted To Anger (Song)

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Addicted To Anger

Based off of a dream I had. 

I see it somewhere deep within

He promised me, there, he would never go again

He thinks I can't see it, or that I can't tell

Because he thinks I forget about this hell

I'm sick of being decieved

Am I a game you want to play?

I'm sick of the betrayal and fucking lies

Where should I hide out tonight?

How can he look at me?

With that blank stare on his face?

Have my tears come to fool him?

All pain, of it, did I lose trace?

Why does he do these things to himself?

Do the drugs and alcohol really help?

It eats him up inside

And kills what he tries to hide

Will he stop causing himself pain?

Will he stop going so far away?

Or am I not enough?

Do I need to sacrifice some more of my love?

The burden of his addiction

Weighs on me like a heavy bolder

I pray to God to save him

Because obviously I do no good

Please, please, hear me praying

He told me he wanted a little girl

He told me things that cannot be explained

But yet, he's crushing my world

I'm sure it wouldn't be a good thing

Just something crossing the line of bad

If our baby boy and daughter

Had to grow up without a dad

Our unborn baby's daddy is slowly dying

Killing himself; this damage is beyond repair

I only hope a miracle should come along

And save him; this pain just isn't fair

I'm scared to say a word to him

I'm afraid he will yell

I'm afraid that if I tell him "no"

He'll go and find someone else

I cannot empty out my pain

I cannot even control myself when it rains

This pain is killing me slowly

Because he wants his steroids so badly  

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