Could have been all different (2-end)

Start from the beginning

"That's clasified, however now" the man spoke as he picked Izuku up by his colar.

"Let him go you arsehole, he doesn't know anything and will be absolutely no help to you at this point" Bakugou yelled, but the man only smiled at that.

"Oh, he's not here for that purpose" the man said as he dragged Izuku over to this very weird looking sink, filled with regular water to the very top. The man simply and without warning smacked Izuku's head inside the sink and Izuku tried to fight back, however with no help.

"Stop it! Let him go, tell me what you want, I'll give you anything" Katsuki yelled.

"Oh, I just want you to suffer, hero" the man smirked.

"Then why are you torturing him" Bakugou yelled.

"Oh well, you know, what would be the fun if I hurt you? I mean you can handle physical pain way better than him, and this turtures you more, I can tell" the man said with a smile as he finally let go of Izuku's head and the boy could finally breathe again.

Not that Izuku would get much rest as the man threw his head right back into the sink. But as he'd done that, there was heard a loud thug from the room above.

"Darn it! Well, show's over" the man said, pulling Izuku from the water and stabbing him with a knife that somehow he has now, then letting the boy waver as he was about to walk to Katsuki. Midway through the room he was stopped with a knife sloughtering his throat and he fell to the ground.

"Izuku, listen I know you don't feel very well right now, but I need you to unlock these chains for me, okay? Can you do that?" Bakugou said without hesitation as he saw that Izuku could still move, even if he was on the edge of passing out. He still managed to find the keys and with a lot of struggling finally opening the chains that were holding Bakugou and as he was free Izuku colapsed onto him.

"No, no, no. Don't fall asleep yet" Bakugou said, slightly panicking. Just then the door opened and two other men barged in, seeing the scene, they continued running to the other basement exit that lead who knew where. Minutes later Todoroki ran through the same door as Katsuki picked up Izuku.

"They went this way, you go after them, I'll take care of him" Katsuki said, pointing towards where the men left with even more anger. Katsuki walked towards where Todoroki and the two men came from, meeting with Sero and Kirishima, he told them to go help Todoroki.

Outside was already an ambulance with Uraraka and Ojiro inside, getting their wounds fixed. Also a police car for arrested people. Katsuki quickly walked towards the ambulance and told the nurse that Izuku had been stabbed before leaving the car to give the doctor space and he went to explaining to his classmates and mr. Aizawa who was also there.

Soon, Kirishima, Sero and Todoroki were back with the last two unsubs, heading them over to the police and going to ask about Midoriya.

While later, the class still knew nothing, Midoriya was taken to hospital and now Uraraka, Ojiro, Kirishima, Todoroki, Sero and Bakugou were sitting in the hospital hallway. Kirishima and Sero facetiming with Kaminari, Ashido and Jirou, telling them all that happened. Uraraka and Ojiro fell asleep on each other. Todoroki was unable to sit still, so was Bakugou but he was calmer than Todoroki.

"Listen, he'll be fine, he wouldn't leave just like that. I've known him since my whole life" Bakugou said, in attempt to calm Todoroki down.

"If only I was there sooner" Todoroki let out.

"If someone's to blame it's me. I want to be a future hero and then I get kidnapped like that, while also putting a civilian's life in danger" Bakugou sighted.

"Doesn't matter who's fault is that now" Sero said, looking at the two.

Few more hours and the doctor finally came to inform them.

"So, it's been a difficult case, and we did all we could. He's awake now, but a little confused. Maybe it would help if you told him what happened" the doctor said, allowing the group to go inside.

"I think that Bakugou should go in first, since he's the one that was with Midoriya. And then the rest of us, so we don't scare him if we all go in righ away" Uraraka suggested.

"Hey, Deku, how are you feeling?" Bakugou asked, sitting next to Izuku.

"I got stabbed" Izuku said as if it was the most amazing thing in the world.

Katsuki chuckled "Yeah, you did, but hey, you saved my life back there, you're my hero" he said with a smile towards Izuku.

"I guess, but I realized a lot of thing when I was drowning, you know?" Izuku said, thinking out loud.

"Hmm, like what?" Katsuki asked.

"I realized that I never got to tell you how much of an inspiration you were to me, anyone I based my final's collecion it was inspired by them, tho it is pretty obvious, but still. And that I didn't get to tell Todoroki how I feel about him" Izuku said, looking up at Bakugou.

"You can tell him now, how much time would you two need alone?" Bakugou smiled.

"What?" Izuku asked in confusion.

"He's waiting outside, and so is Round cheeks, Tail guy, Soy sauce and Kirishima" Katsuki pointed to the door.

"I'm not sure how long it will take me to spill it out" Izuku said with a soft pink over his cheeks.

"Gosh, okay strawberry, just tell him to get us when you're done here" Katsuki said, messing up Izuku's hair before walking out.

Soon after Todoroki entered the room, sitting next to Izuku with a shy and worried smile.

"Are you okay?" Todoroki asked.

"Yeah, but I need to tell you something. When I was back there, I thought I was dying and I realized that one can be so close to death so many times, so I don't want to waste my time, since I don't know how much I have left. So, I'll just say this. I like you, a lot and more than just a friend" Izuku let out, his face turning bright red.

"Wow, I mean, same. I like you too, as more than just a friend" Todoroki quickly said.

"Really?" Izuku asked in desbelievment.

"Of course, you set my heart on fire, literally" Todoroki said with a straight face.

"I-" Izuku said in confusion before the two started laughing at the realization.

"Seems like way too much fun in here" Uraraka said as she dropped on the bed as well.

"I tried to stop her, sorry" Bakugou said as he walked in after Uraraka.

"It's fine" Izuku smiled and so everyone else also walked in.

For a while they had a nice conversation, the rest of class 1-A showed up as well and they all hung out, then refusing to leave the hospital, so the doctors let them stay in for the night, and so did Inko Midoriya who came as soon as she heard her son was in hospital, no one told Mitsuki Bakugou, since she didn't need to know as her son wasn't really harmed.


the sweet, sweet end. i would continue, but im tired and want to go to sleep or just watch videos or something, not in the mood to write anymore, but have this

and baiii

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