R.I.P., Tanjirou's Long Hair

Start from the beginning

Soon enough, the dust had settled, revealing both of your boulders - cut cleanly in half. While Tanjirou's was cut vertically, yours was horizontally.

Your grasp on your sword loosened, falling to the ground. You let out a sob of triumph, dashing over to your boulder and jumping up and down, "TANJIROU! WE— HOLY SHIT, WE DID IT!!"

Your laughter rung throughout the vicinity, "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!! I DID IT! I FINALLY— HAHAHA!!"

You turned to Tanjirou, only to realize he was standing there, frozen with tears welling up in his eyes.

You ran back to Tanjirou, tackling him into a hug, "WE DID IT, WE DID IT! WE DID IT, TANJIROU!" A few tears dripped from his eyes as he squeezed you back, "(Y/N)..! WE.. ACTUALLY DID IT! HAHA!!"

Upon hearing footsteps behind you, you each turned around - being met with Urokodaki, frozen in shock, "I didn't think you'd slice the boulders.. I.. had no intention on sending you to Final Selection.."

You pulled Tanjirou by the arm over to Urokodaki, before pulling both of them into a hug, "WE DID IT, DAD!! WE REALLY DID IT!! WE'RE GOING TO FINAL SELECTION!! HAHAHA!!"

Urokodaki pulled away, placing his hands on your heads, "I didn't want to lose anymore of my children.. I didn't want more to die. But, you did good, (Y/N), Tanjirou."

Once his words fully processed, it caused you and Tanjirou to bawl ever harder, even especially after he pulled you two into a hug once more, "Make sure you both come back alive. Nezuko and I will be waiting for you."


Later that night, you and Tanjirou observed Urokodaki cooking a feast for dinner that night, causing your mouths to hang wide open.

Tanjirou was the first to pipe up, "What's the occasion?! There's just.. so much!!" You drooled, cupping your cheek with one of your palms, "There's so much! I can just taste it now!"

You reached out for one of the fish cooking next to the pot, only for Urokodaki to swat your hand away as if it were an insect, "Not yet. It's not fully cooked."

He then poured you and Tanjirou your servings, "You've each completed all of your necessary training, so we're celebrating. Don't be shy, eat up."

You rubbed your hands together as he handed your bowls over, "Well, say less! If you truly insist!" Tanjirou thanked Urokodaki before he ate the meal, whereas you wasted no time in stuffing it into your mouth.

'Tanjirou, (Y/N).. there's nothing more I can do for the two of you. From here on out, you'll both be going through such hardship and strife. Your training will seem so much better in comparison.'

'So for now, rest and eat well, like you don't have a care for the world.'

You both handed your empty bowls back to Urokodaki. Tanjirou did it politely and silently, while you still had your cheeks stuffed with food, "It's so good, thank you! More, please!"

Shortly after dinner, you sat away from the two, allowing yourself to zone out. You thought of your family, 'How would they even react.. if I ever made it back? It's been so long. God.. I miss them.'

You then began to think of the storyline, 'Nevermind that.. Final Selection is tomorrow, and it's gonna fucking suck! It's going to be the most unbearable week of my entire life—!' You sighed, 'Oh shit, the hand demon! I forgot about that dude, it's going to suck even harder, fighting him!'

You finally felt a tap on your shoulder, snapping you out of your small trance. You looked up, seeing Tanjirou kneeling with a pair of scissors in his hands, "Hey, would you mind cutting my hair for me, (Y/N)?"

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