Chapter 1

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Jeff the Killer was sitting on the couch in the Creepypasta Mansion just being bored. He wanted something fun to do, but was too lazy to get his ass up. Suddenly a black sand-like shape started to take form right in front of him. The figure fully formed and bowed to Jeff. "Hello, Mr. Jeff. I think i can help with your boredom." Jeff looked at the man with curiosity and amazement. "w-wait....who are you?" Jeff didn't know what to do, so he looked him up and down. He had a long black robe, kind of long spiky black hair,grey skin, and bright golden eyes. " Oh, where are my manners? I am Pitch Black. Also known as...." Pitch paused for dramatic effect." The Boogieman."Pitch put his hand out and Jeff shook it, still a little shaken about what just happened. Suddenly Laughing Jack came in and, being the annoying asshole he is, just invited himself into the group.

Meanwhile In His Own Dimension

Man in the Moon was quietly sipping tea when all of a sudden he noticed his ''Pitch Alarm'' go off, so he checked his camera to see what was going on. What he saw made him do a spit take. Pitch Black making a deal with killers,not just any killer though...Creepypastas. He had to warn the Guardians, NOW!

At The North Pole

North was eating some cookies while trying to finish his sculpture of ice, when a yeti came in and starting yelling in his native tongue. North got up, not being able to understand him, and slapped him and told him to calm down and tell him slowly. The yeti calmed down and breathed, then started to talk. When North heard the message, he nearly jumped from his chair and ran to the Globe Room, or the Main Control Center. There, in the middle of the room, was a tiny, plump, glowing man with a white tail coat, white dress shoes, and a bald head except a little tuft made into a ringlet on the top. This was Manny's true form, and North had only seen it once. "M-Manny? What are you doing here?" North asked, concerned. "Well, we have a bit of a problem with Pitch. He is back and has....hired, so to speak, two individuals who can not only doom children, but us, too." North looked shocked, stunned, and everything in between. "Wait. What do you mean, hurt us?" Manny looked at him with sorrow filled eyes and said," Because they are immortal,too.I need you to call the Guardians so we cam handle this as a team." North did as he was told and pulled the lever to send out the lights.

In Burgess

Jack and Jamie were having a snowball fight before the last of the ice melted away when they both saw the lights."awe, do you have to go?'' Jamie asked, disappointed his best friend had to leave. "Sorry, Kiddo. It's my job now. Maybe we can finish later." Then Jamie had this wonderful idea." What about if i come with you?'' Jack thought about it a minute, then he got a smirk on his face. "Sure, why not? I'm sure the savior of the world is welcome at the North Pole." Jack always called him that to make him mad."yeah, thanks for the reminder." Jamie laughed whenever Jack called him that, but it held some truth. Without him, if he somehow didn't believe, then that would mean there would be no more Guardians. " want go now?'' Jamie looked at Jack with a 'duh' face and jack smirked. "Okay, then. Let's go!" Jack grabbed Jamie and flew him to the North Pole.

At The North Pole

When Jack and Jamie got there, everyone was already there. Aster was clacking his boomerangs together, ready for a fight. Tooth was giving orders to her mini fairies, North was shoveling cookies in his mouth, Sandy was sleeping, like usual. But there was a man there Jack and Jamie have never seen. Jack got North's attention and asked who that man was."Oh Jack. That's Manny's true form." Jack and Jamie went bug eyed when it all set in."WHAT!?!?" They yelled in unison.

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