"you didn't have to make it that obvious"

"why are hiding your school starts soon and you blue shouldn't be encouraging keara when she's doing this be the bigger one"

"but she is the older one" blue expressed

"let's pretend she's not yeah get your glasses an take your sister to the car make sure she actually is going to school" they were talking like I'm not standing right here do they not see me standing here

"whatever expect a call from the school"

"it's not to early to be grounded"

"that doesn't stop me"

"with no music or friends"

"your playing with your life on the line"

"I brought you in the world your playing with yours start stepping"

"fine then it to spend six hours amongst people...yay"

"you need to socialize"

"I'm not this social butterfly here"

"I'm not talkative" blue defended herself

"mhm I didn't say you were tell your mother bye I have to go to jail"

"to bad your not coming with me to school"

"yeah I rather not, you have to look after sir and Rumi by yourself in a couple of months back to big sister duties"

"I didn't think about that"

"of course you didn't"


"another point for joy hi blue" they waved at each other before saying bye

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"another point for joy hi blue" they waved at each other before saying bye

"well good morning to you too"

"I thought you were taking another day off"

"we were stalling I not going to lying"

"and yet you end up here"


"so you got practice soon and luckily for you I'm heading there now"

"I'm not going to ask why your going to the gym when your class in on the otherside of the building but it's whatever"

"who woke you up on the wrong side of the bed"


"I thought that was your favorite person"

"I don't have a favorite person now come on be useful and play ball with me"

"I don't play basketball"

"ain't you from alt I heard they love to play basketball why are you really here"

"your new here your gonna want to hold your head up around her"

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