4- The Demon Rises

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It was pitch black deep within the gap. Mists of black and purple fill the room. The emptiness will undoubtedly appeal to someone who likes the dark. It was a far cry from how it had appeared previously. It looked like the galaxy when dark magic was dispelled, except it was pitch black.

The purple shadow, on the other hand, is currently the most intriguing thing in the void. According to legend, when a dark magician wishes anything to come to life, the first living form it takes is a purple shadow.

The purple shadow was morphing into a full-fledged human being. Unfortunately, the demon was still alive.

"Ahhh, I'm alive at last; I've been longing for this," the humanoid exclaimed. "Who am I again, Luci? Ah!".

He was encased in a little chamber with a mirror by the void. When Luci realized who he was, he smiled. " Felix would undoubtedly adore it when he sees me, but he's changed; that prince...devastated him."

With a flick of his hands, Luci is now dressed in a black suit and coat. In the mirror, he gently admired himself. His black eyes glistened with a tinge of purple. His dark hair is parted to the side.

The devil groaned with delight. As the mirror distorted a picture of Y/N and Seonghwa, he taunted, "This feels so nice, I get to destroy lives. Poor Y/N, she'll never have her babies. Boo hoo."

Luci smirked afterwards, watching the mirror play slideshows for him. He kept on scrunching his nose whenever he saw sweet moments. " Boring, bad, bland, cringey, ew, bitter, seriously? ", Luci said, pertaining to each slide he saw." Their life must be boring, there's no anger and war around them, should I initiate it?"

The demon laughed once again, unhinged, his eyes glowing purple.

Like what the fallen angel wished for, the demon arises, watching all the good things with pure disgust and mischief in his glowing eyes. The demon, however, is a doppelganger of the Sky Prince himself. He looks exactly like him.

" The Earth was such a cruel world, how come that this hell of a prince survived?", Luci asked, glaring at the mirror before him. " And how come that this fallen angel was defeated? Amateur".

" I'm sure this woman, Y/N, is gifted. How is she so special? How come she can resist the prince?", the demon said once again, tapping his sharp fingernails on his desk. " She thinks she's the main character, pfft".

" Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, a very pretty lady who has two guy best friends, isn't that absurd? One likes her, one is colorful. So, should I play with the one who likes her?" Luci spoke, an evil smirk suddenly forming on his lips.

" This should be fun".

Song Mingi is currently a well-known hip-hop musician and artist in their hometown. Despite his fame, he wished to live a normal life free of bodyguards and his manager. When he has free time, he continues to train because his love for Taekwondo, particularly the lady he met via the sport, remains strong.

He was able to accept Y/N's decision despite his disappointment at seeing her with another man. Mingi is well aware that he is nothing near the prince whom Y/N now adores.

When he first saw Seonghwa, he was agitated. He was envious, but he knew deep down that he needed to respect Y/N. Mingi occasionally regrets assisting the prince because Y/N prefers the prince to him, but Mingi loves Y/N and so he did it.

When Mingi thinks of his best pals, San and Y/N, who both have partners, he can't help but feel lonely. He wishes he had one, but she's already married, so it's impossible.

Mingi had always desired for his own Y/N before Seonghwa arrived on Earth. He fantasized about caressing her, kissing her, and engaging in intimate activities with her. He felt terrible and ashamed with himself as a result of those dreams. He wasn't meant to have such vivid dreams about his best friend.

He was aware that having such dreams might jeopardize their friendship, but the selfish part of him shouts that he should do whatever it takes to have Y/N fall in love with him, even if it means going to extremes.

There was a moment when Mingi was alone in the training room with Y/N. The man wished he could confess right then and there, but he couldn't. He felt compelled to kiss her, but he knew he shouldn't.

Mingi couldn't help but support Y/N at the moment. He'll also defend her at all costs, even if she's in the Sky Kingdom. He wanted to pay her a visit, but he wasn't ready to confront her again, especially as queen.

Mingi, in reality, was already contented with the way he was living on Earth. He now has his own home, which was created by an architect. It's uncomplicated, but it's eye-catching. Everyone who passes by stops to take a selfie at his gate, posing as if it were their home. Mingi is aware of this, but he is unconcerned.

Mingi had no idea how his life would turn out. He'd always wanted to start his own family. When a mythical prince from a book stepped onto Earth, it most likely took a turn. The athlete was astounded since magic exists, and he was even more astounded when his crush was married as if it were also a magic act.

Mingi is now in his house, wearing his reading glasses, which complement his pajama outfit. He appears dorky right now, but he's still hot enough to swoop some females and possibly gents outside. He's in his kitchen right now, finishing the last two slices of pizza he bought 30 minutes ago.

He took a leisurely stroll into the living area to activate his tiny speaker. He drank from the bottle of soju that had been placed on the table.

Blanks' Better Now began to play through his speaker. Because of the unexpected cheerful beat but sorrowful words, Mingi grinned a little. The brunette muttered, "Y/N would adore this music and would certainly dance with me if she was here," and afterwards moved his body to the beat.

With a bottle of almost-empty soju in his left hand, he bobbed his head and moved like a drunk, elderly uncle.

" Ahhh, I miss you, Y/N", he slurred. " Gosh, I wanna see you but I can't".

" Hello Mingi"

Helloooo! Another update, it's been a while. How are y'all my lovely readers?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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