Chapter 3

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(^^^ A picture of what Captain looks like at eleven and seventeen years old. God, drawing on an iPad is hard! Anyway, hope you likey! What the main characters look like, I will personally take some of my free time and draw on my iPad, in order to show you how they look.)
July 20, 1999 (11:47 p.m.)

Walking. Pacing. 'Or is it dragging my subconscious body across the show stage?' Gold wondered, for about the millionth time that day- or, rather now, evening. She had been pacing the show stage for a few minutes, and instantly started to feel bored as HECK out of her mind. Frequently checking the entrance, she fretted. 'The idiots had better not have bailed...' She trailed off, chills suddenly running up and down her spine. Gold was mildly mono-phobic, meaning she was afraid of being alone for certain periods of time. Katrina had often wondered why Gold stuck to Captain all the time, but Gold would never spill her phobic secret. Anyway. Back to the point.

Besides having a mild case of monophobia, Gold was also extremely impatient. That was a very bad thing, coming from Kennedy Gold Feber. She could throw the nastiest outbursts when time ticked away. So, when the clock read '11:57', Gold screeched in annoyance, most probably frightening the new night guard, Mike Schmidt, who, for an inexplicably STUPID reason, decided to start his shift early. Muttering in- now, - probably feigned amusement, she walked over to Freddy, and slumped down beside him, taking a resemblance to a dead body in a sitting position. "They had better not have..." Gold suddenly yawned, getting tired. "Bailed..." She finished sleepily. Unintentionally, she drifted off into a monotonous sleep.

Which was a pretty bad idea, on her part.


When Gold woke up, she was in the 'parts and services' room, and NOT on the show stage. Still recovering from 'sleep-shock', however, she paid no heed to the fact and started looking for the door, checking her watch as she searched. The watch read 4:27 a.m, but she paid no heed to that fact, either. A sudden sharp, shrill, shriek snapped her back to reality. Gold yanked her hand back from the doorknob of the door that she had found a few moments ago, and with deadly speed threw herself into an empty suit she had caught sight of, ju-u-u-st as the door was harshly thrown open. By what, Gold had no idea, but at this point, she didn't even want to know.

Cowering in the suit, she peeked out of the eyeholes in its head, making sure she couldn't be seen by whoever was in the room. Gold knew that there was someone in the room because there had been shuffling- or something along those lines- near the floor by her. When Gold looked out the eyeholes, she couldn't see anything, but a few moments after that, she saw Bonnie. And not her Bonny, but the animatronic. 'What the heck is he doing here?' Gold wondered shakily. Suddenly she remembered something her Bonny had told her earlier. Not really acknowledging the fact she had been talking, of course.

"However, my father mentioned something about dismemberment, injury, or death. Don't recall him sounding phoney when he spoke those words; strange how he had mentioned something as disturbing as that in front of a child."

Gold shivered, and started to tear up. She never wanted to be alone, especially not with killer animatronics. Forcing herself to look out of the suit, she immediately recoiled and ultimately wished she hadn't. Mike was in the middle of being forcibly stuffed into a suit. WAY too graphic for an 11-year old's eyes.

'Why am I here?' Gold thought. 'Why'd I agree to go with her? How long have I got? I'm only 11! What about the others?' Gold's eyes widened as she thought about her sister and the three other people she called 'family.' 'No,' She thought determinedly, balling her pale hands into fists. Her honey-coloured eyes shone wet with tears through the suit's eyeholes. 'They won't die,' She thought, over and over. 'They won't die. They won't die. They're still alive. They're still alive. They're still-...'

"GODDAMMIT THEY WON'T DIE!" Gold screeched in agony. Her scratchy voice made her sound like nails on a chalkboard, so to speak. Gold, realizing what she had just done, gasped silently in horror as she saw Bonnie approach the suit. He reached out a hand to rip the head off...

'God... Someone help me,-... .. Please...' She thought uselessly, curling herself up into a crying ball in the pit of the suit's stomach. 'Someone, anyone... Anyone who isn't tryin'a kill me..'


A sudden bright flicker of light startled the girl. She saw Bonnie the bunny cower and run from the room in terror, Mike's corpse only halfway in the Freddy suit he was being stuffed in. When Gold looked at the sight, it brought up some vomit, but she gulped it back down and averted her eyes. Feeling that she didn't need to keep thinking, probably thinking Bonnie wouldn't come back, she said, "What the heck happened-... GNACKT!"

She felt the suit moving. Standing up. Walking over to the shiny, mirror-like metal door Bonnie had retreated from a few minutes earlier. She felt the suit stop. She didn't look out the eyeholes to see where she was for several minutes. Finally, when she thought that whatever had been moving the suit was not there anymore, she looked out. Gold was still in the 'parts and services' room, which was a shame, but this time, the suit she was hiding in was standing in front of the closed door. A little sliver of light peeked through the crack underneath and overtop it, illuminating whichever features were closest to them. Gold glanced over to the surface of the door. Confusion was written over her face after that.

A- by what she could make of it- golden bear that looked like Freddy was in the reflection. Her soft, glistening eyes poked through the eyeholes. She continued to stare at the reflection in the door for a while. Soon, the suit started moving again. Gold braced herself for any impact that might happen, but instead:

"I can, and WILL help you, dear."

All of a sudden, Gold felt drowsy, and light-headed. Panicking, she thought, 'NO!! I don't want to fall asleep again!' Suddenly, a new thought that wasn't hers intruded her mind. 'It's alright, love. You'll be safe once you wake up.' The thought sounded much more mature than Gold's. The girl still didn't want to fall asleep, but for some reason trusted the thought that wasn't hers. '... Alright.' Gold thought timidly, rapidly falling into a state of unconsciousness. Not expecting an answer, she closed her eyes, and FELL ASLEEP inside an animatronic suit.

The last thing she heard was an older male's soothing voice. "You'll be fine, love. You can trust me with heart and soul."

"... Promise."



She couldn't move. He couldn't move. THEY couldn't move. They were frozen in time, and no one knew it. There were four persons in all. Three females, one male. They were alert, and fully functional, but they had been frozen in time. One was sleeping. One was awake and raging. One was apparently unaware of the current situation. The last one had been crying frozen tears, worried about their other friend.

'Where are you?!' A frozen being screamed. 'Why aren't you here?! What happened?!'

No one could answer her, though. No one WOULD answer her. All because she was frozen in time, and no one knew it. Not even their friend.

Not even GOLD.

Heya homies! Sorry for not updating in a while, I have a student teach who gives so much goddamn homework! So, yeah. Hope y'all enjoy the chappie! Peace out, ELLE-usions, from RaphieELLE! 💚💎💚

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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Are You Ready, Freddy? (Sucky Title, I know. FNAF)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ