"I know that you're both going to be watching over all of us, waiting for us and we will be with you one day, a day that won't come for a very, very, very long time" small laughs again. "All I can say right now is "Such is life", your favourite quote Pa. It is the most perfect sentence I can think of to describe this moment, to describe what has happened to you both. I promise " I pause taking a breath fighting back my tears, "I promise that we'll look after your garden Nan, I promise that we'll throw a line in the river for you Pa, I promise that we will live life to the fullest and just cruise through it like you did, we'll live everyday like it's our last. I promise we will all get through this, eventually, but I won't promise that a tear won't fall every time I think of you" I take in a deep breath sucking my tears back.

"You once called us the strongest people you've ever met pa, well now look at what you've done to us" continue looking at my brother red shot eyes. "Thank you for taking us in, for welcoming us into you family, for showing us what family is. No amount of anything could ever repay you both for how you have changed our lives." I finish letting out a deep breath before signing "I love you both"


Once their graves have been filled in with dirt and all the guests go into the house my brothers and I stand in silence in front of their graves. My head rested on Bryce's shoulder as his arm wraps around my back holding my arm, we all stare at the two stones.

"It can only get easier from here, not better just easier" Will speaks, I lift my head off of Bryce's shoulder.

"we'll get through it, slowly but eventually" I add 

"we should probably head in and deal with the food disaster inside" Shawn says standing up straight pushing his sadness down, we all follow after him hiding out pain. If there's one thing we are all really good at it's hiding our pain.

"I heard Marge say she's packed the fridge with food, she's not going to let us starve" Blake laughs making us all smile

"I can only imagine how much food she's brought" I add on laughing imagining the pile of food waiting inside the house.

"Yeah and you watch Greg will be trying to "test" some of it but Marge will be watching him like a hawk" Bryce continues. We all laugh at the old couple, best friends since childhood to our grandparents. We all turn around and see the 6 avengers standing under the gum tree Nick was under during the ceremony.

"Holy shit Y/N I can't believe Captain America is here, like in the flesh not in a photo" Shawn laughs as we look at the avengers standing with their backs to us giving us our privacy.

"Yeah this is really weird, I can't believe they're here. I mean I did expect Nat and Clint, I thought Tony would have had some excuse and who exactly are the other two guys?" Blake asks

"Ok we can do introductions later, you 4 go inside and handle that" I say pushing them all forward towards the house. They begin to run towards the house jumping off one another, brotherly love. 

I look back to the 6 bodies as I slowly make my way to them.

"Should I call the police because I think I have some stalkers" I say with my hands in my pockets as they all turn around.

"We thought you could use some support" Steve replies smiling slightly

"God your family has some good genes, I mean your brothers just wow so what happened to you?" Tony asks taking his black sunglasses off causing me to laugh.

"Hey I could say the same about you, from the photos I've seen of your father during Steve's time, damn! I mean Howard Stark, just wow like what happened to you Tony?" I push baking causing everyone else to laugh and Tony's smile to fade.

"Yeah hitting on my father too far Fish too far"

"You know you didn't have to come, it's just another day" I say emotionlessly as I begin to bite on my bottom lip.

"It's a new day and yeah we did, we're your team whether you consider yourself apart of it or not" Clint replies swinging his arm around my neck.

"I'm fine guys really, I've dealt with deaths hundreds of times"

"yeah but they weren't people you loved Y/N" Bruce finally speaks

"You know there was only one true thing Hydra taught us and that was that love is weakness, love makes you vulnerable and love will kill you" I say looking at the ground remembering the words coming directly out of the trainers mouth. "It's a scary thing and if you don't say it aloud then it can't come back to harm you" I finish looking up at them all, they give me sympathetic looks. "Oh don't look at me like that" I say smiling "I'm fine really, you should go back live your lives don't worry about me, don't waste your time on me. I mean that" They sign knowing that I won't give in to anything they say.

"Fury was right you are stubborn" Steve laughs looking over through the paddocks, everyone laughs lightly

"oh you haven't even see the half of it" Clint adds smiling at me

"haha very funny now who wants to come in? there is a mountain of food that needs to be eaten and I have seen what you all can eat, plus my brothers are dying to meet you all" I finishes motioning towards the house.

"No, we don't want to overcrowd the place, I'll say hi to the boys then leave you all be" Nat says as Clint nods in agreement with her

"God and no not you Thor, my allergies are acting up I mean why is there  so much hay in the air?" Tony questions holding his hands out looking at the sky.

"You're surrounded by hay paddock's what did you expect" I reply laughing

"Not that attitude" he pushes back making me smile

"Well I would go buy a new one but my body only accepts reality" I push back at him. Everyone laughs at us, from our conversations you would think Tony and I don't get along but we do because we are so alike. I turn to look at Steve

"We wouldn't be standing here today Y/N if it weren't for you, you saved this team , you saved the world. Your Grandparents would be so proud of you" Steve says as my smile drops, I look to my right at the two fresh graves

"I hope so" I finish before giving the avengers one last smile and then turning around towards the house.

Nick's POV

Will stands next to me under the iron bark with my arms crossed, we both watch as Y/N away from the Avengers towards us

"Always was blunt, no sugar coating with her. She really did save them though didn't she" Will asks admiring his sister's ability to gain control. I'd just told him about how she reacted when she first met the team

"Throw her to the wolves and she'll come back leading the pack" I say smiling slightly 

"Hydra knew that, always given the individual missions, they didn't make her that way she was born it" he adds smiling

"Give this to her" I say passing an envelope to Will. "It was good to see you again Will" I finish then resting my hand on Will's left shoulder. Next thing I know he pulls me in for a hug, I stand there frozen before slowly wrapping my hands around his back. The things these kids have done to me I think before letting go and looking around to make sure no one saw then I turn around and walking to the car before driving away with Maria.


As I come up the stairs of the back veranda Will hand me an envelope.

"From Nick" he says, I sign the mans quick. I look back up at him and see him looking over my shoulder where i just came from with the avengers, behind him standing at the door are my other 3 brothers looking in the same direction.

"Ok guys you can go see them but chill out ok" I say annoyed knowing that they are going to say something stupid. I'm not worried about Nat, Clint or Tony because they've met my brothers, more so Steve and how guilty I know he feels ever since he found out what happened.

The boys slowly make there was off the veranda and out into the paddock, I shake my head and make my way inside to everyone else placing the envelope in a draw.

Fury's Agent #2Where stories live. Discover now