Part 4

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A week later we all wear black as we stand in the back paddock staring at the two fresh graves marked with "John Fisher, beloved father, brother, grandfather and friend" and "Mary Fisher, beloved mother, sister, grandmother and friend" I stan with Bryce and Blake on my left and Will and Shawn on my right, non of us have had a full nights sleep.  The big gum tree towering above protecting them both in their peace. Behind us dozens of people gather to say goodbye. Nick stand in the back corner under another gum tree with Maria.

"Now a couple words from their granddaughter Y/N" the priest says looking at me as I stare at the graves, Bryce nudges me bring me out of the trance. 

I begin to make my way next to the graves pulling out the paper form my pocket. I clear my throat as I stand frozen staring at the speech I had prepared, I sigh dropping my hands and look up. As my eyes surf over the crowd I meet the gazes of 6 unexpected people, Natasha, Clint, Steve, Tony, Bruce and Thor. My lips part slightly in shock as I stare at the team, a small smile of appreciation appears as they all nod slightly at me. I look back over at Nick who shrugs, I look back down as the ground and smile.

"Sorry I umm, this is my first funeral and I don't know what I'm doing but I had this whole eulogy prepared and" I pause looking around at the faces of the people who all loved my grandparents, I sigh. "well Pa would just laugh at me, he was the type of person to just make stuff up along the way, no instructions, no lists, no do this, do that, nothing just cruising through life, that was him. I remember the first time that I saw him, I saw this tall man with tattoos all up his arms, in a black Ned Kelly "Such is Life" T-Shirt on and you know I thought to myself who the hell is this guy" I laugh lightening the mood. "He was rough as rough on the outside but on the inside he was" I pause letting out a breath "pure" I finish letting my smile drop. "he was stubborn, head strong and my god cross him and you were a dead man walking." everyone laughs slightly "He loved his family in a way that words could never describe. You never had to say anything to him, he always knew the people he could trust, the people he could call family and I'm very honoured to be one of those people". I take another breath holding the tears that swell in my eyes

"Nan, well Nan was just an angle in purple, they way she would force food down your throat, you'd never starve around her. oh and don't mess with her plants cause my god she loved them" light laughs come about again. "she had the biggest heart and I always admired her for that. I was always taught that having a big heart only left you hurt, only caused constant pain and suffering, but she proved that wrong. she would prove anything wrong, there was nothing she couldn't do and if you thought of something she would prove you wrong and do it" I laugh slightly as I smile "I can only imagine that right now Pa is sitting in a camp chair with a fishing rod attached to the left-hand side, a cold VB in his right hand in a stubby holder. That was him, Nan's probably off in the garden working away, giving so much love to her plants" I let a tear fall down my cheek

"They saved my brothers and I when we were going through the worst time of our lives" my voice breaks a bit as I take a breath fighting away the memories of Hydra "a time where we lost all hope, where we lost everything. They saved us and took us in. Showed us what family really is, showed us that it's not blood that makes you family, it's the people in your life who accept you for who you are, who love you not matter what and at the end of the day can love you more than you'll ever love yourself" 

"I'll never forget our first Christmas with them, it was our first Christmas ever but it being with them just made it so much more, special" I close my eyes thinking about the memory. "I told Pa a few months after they adopted us that in the orphanage my brothers and I learnt to play piano, it was something that just let the hours pass by. It was a distraction for us, got us out of our own heads, filled up the lonely space, because that's all we ever knew, loneliness. and the sound of a piano filled that up" I pause "When they asked us what we wanted for Christmas we said nothing, they didn't take that though" I look at my brothers and see them smiling slightly at the happy memory making me smile. "We came down the stares Christmas morning and there was this beautiful wooden piano in the middle of the lounge room.  And those sad memories of using the piano to drown out our loneliness, to pass the long days, just washed away. We spend pretty much the whole day just taking turns in playing songs, song after song after song played. We danced and sang and cried and I remember in the moment, looking around and seeing actual happy smiles, smiles that I never knew existed, there was pure happiness and love. I remember being scared that it was a dream, that them adopting us, us being able to change sad memories in good ones, was all just a dream, but it wasn't. That moment right there is where I knew that everything was going to be alright" I say smiling at the happy memory, I look around and see red eyes, a tear fallen down Nick's face along with all the avengers, then I look to my left at their two grave stones.

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