He lunged off as white vision finally came into view and the two of them fell into another building. 

Agatha tusked her tongue. Even with one hand, she was powerful. The military flew off the ground. "Same story, different center. There'll always be torches and pitchforks for ladies like us, Wanda." 

You yelped when Agatha tightened her hold on you. Okay, you changed your mind, you hate being choked. Unless it's Wanda doing the choking- 

"Boys, handle the military. Mommy will be right back." 

Your eyes widened at her words. Get your head out of the gutter, Y/n-

Agatha flew off with you but Wanda flew after the two of you. You tried to struggle in her grasp but Agatha only tightened your hold. You gasped for breath. Wanda gave Agatha a smirk before disappearing with a snap. 

Agatha's shock allowed you to slip out of her hold momentarily. She growled but you sent a spiral of magic her way. You smirked when she failed to absorb it. You are her child, and the magic came from her. Unlike when she took her mother's magic, your magic used to belong to Agatha. 

You smirked. "No takebacks, mother dearest. You gave birth, you can't unbirth someone." 

Wanda pressed a finger to her lips when you saw her standing on the roof Agatha was on. "WATCH ME!" 

You shrugged. "Do your best." 

Before she could lunge, Wanda dived deep into her mind. 

It was seconded for you but it must have been more for Wanda and Agatha. The two of them appeared again with Wanda diving towards Agatha before Agatha got her balance and flew away, Wanda closed behind her. 

"TAKE IT!" Wanda screamed, sending more power towards Agatha. "I don't want it." 

You flew toward Wanda but she held you back. And as much as you hate to admit it, she is much stronger than you. "Wanda, what the fuck are you doing?!" 

She sent another burst of magic towards Agatha but it missed. 

"Come on, Wanda!" Agatha smirked as she watched the power with a power-hungry look. Wanda had sent you back to the ground and you watched. 

More magic was thrown around and if it wasn't so serious, it would have made an amazing light show. 

Agatha was still shouting taunts and 'encouragement' as Wanda continued to unleash her magic. You wanted to know what the hell happened in their mind. 

"Come on, Wanda! Escape your fate!" 

Wanda sent a burst of red energy towards Agatha, who absorbed it. 

"Release your burden!" Oh gosh, Agatha sounded so excited. Wanda was gasping and panting as she sent another energy. You could see the life slowly drained out of her and you pressed your palm to your lips to avoid gasping or screaming out insults at Agatha. 


Greedy bitch. 

Wanda gave her more, shouting red power out of her hands before Agatha gasped and absorbed it all, taking everything Wanda had to give. She was laughing maniacally and Wanda was panting. 

The thunder rumbled. 

"WANDA!" You shouted as Tommy and Billy shouted. "MOM!" 

Wanda looked so dead... You tried not to think about it although you knew she was as good as dead if Agatha took her power. 

Agatha glanced at Wanda, exhaling sharply. "About our deal... once cast, a spell can never be changed. This world you made will always be broken. Just like... you." 

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