Wanda stared blankly. Agatha glanced at you but you shrugged. She sighed. "How do you now know the fundamentals?" 

"How do you not know the fundamentals?" You mocked under your breath, low enough so only Wanda could hear. You knew she would hit you if she was given the chance. 

"Who are you?" 

"Who are you?" Agatha fired back, glancing at Wanda. "All those costumes and hairstyles." Agatha sighed. "I was so patient, waiting for you to reveal your true self. I got close with fake Pietro. Fietro-" You let out a not-so-subtle cough in an attempt to hide your snickers. Agatha glared before her attention shifted to Wanda again. "Anyways, Fietro, if you will, but no dice." 

Wanda's eyes followed Agatha's figure. "That was you." 

Agatha shrugged. "No, it wasn't literally me. Just my eyes and ears," she gestured to said parts of her body. "A crystalline possession. Necromancy was a non-starter since your real brother's body is on another continent. Not to mention, full of holes." 

You noticed Wanda's breathing became heavier. She glanced at you briefly, and you tried to show some sort of comfort through your eyes. Agatha continued. "But you're so crippled by your own self-doubt that you believed it. Oh, Wanda, oh, when I sensed this place, the afterglow of so many spells cast all at once... Oh, I couldn't make heads or tails of it!" 

Great. You're locked in the basement of a power-hungry witch. This is turning too much like Hansel and Gretel. Maybe Agatha's gonna eat my power- You have so many sarcastic comments you can make to that line but the fear in Wanda's eyes made you feel back as you shift yourself to a sitting position. 

Agatha barely glanced your way. 

She snatched a bug out of the air, placing it in her hand, and chanted in Latin. Purple mist appeared, surrounding the poor bug. Agatha looked proud of her work when she finally stopped chanting. "Mind control. A classic. A quick incantation and a feeble psyche and you're good to go." 

The bug was placed on Wanda's face and you shuddered. I am so glad that is not me-

Agatha continued with her villain origin story (seriously, there's no better way to explain this). "With thousands of people under your thumb, all interacting with each other according to complex storylines. Well, that's something special, baby." (Hey! Only I get to call her that!) "And of course, there's transmutation." 

She chanted again. You watched in fascination as the bug became a bird. Wanda looked less thrilled than you. "Years of study to achieve even the smallest convincing illusion. But Westview through your lens, Wanda..." 

The bird squeaked. 

"Every little detail in place down to the crown molding. You're even running illusions miles away at the edge of town! Magic on autopilot." Okay, she's sounding way too exciting about this. You glanced at the locked door. 

The bird squeaked again. 

Inhaling sharply, Agatha continued. "What's your secret, sister?" Poor bird-bug-thingy flew out of Agatha's hand and into the waiting mouth of the rabbit (bunny?). Both you and Wanda turned over to look at it. "Listen I need you..." 

Wanda turned to look back at her. "Hey, Wanda, I need you to tell me how you did this." 

I want to know too. Your eyes watched Wanda curiously. "I didn't do anything. I'm not..." 

Your eyes widened when Wanda flew across the room and nothing stopped the gasp that escaped your mouth. Agatha watched you dangerously, daring you to do something. You just watched. There was nothing you could do to help at the moment. 

broken promise | wanda maximoff x fem!readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora