Naomi sat alongside Alonzo. The two were at the doctor's office, awaiting for the man himself to come in. Naomi's foot tapped excessively as she wondered where Hassan was. Him not being here not only made Alonzo anxious, but it frustrated Naomi greatly, knowing that her husband couldn't keep his word.

The woman blanked out of her emotions however, hearing the office door open up.

" Hello Mrs. Oru, Alonzo. How are we doing?"

" Fine as of now, and hoping to get better." Naomi answers, putting on a fake smile and attitude.

The doctor nodded, going along with process. He had Alonzo do a few tests, and the results from that came along quickly. From there, Dr. Levi went on to discuss what needed to done in the future to help Alonzo prevail. The young man's heart dropped when the doctor mentioned surgery.

" Surgery? What kind of surgery?"

" It's a procedure called Thrombectory. The surgery consists of me removing the clots from running through further into your veins." Dr. Levi explained. Hearing it all made Alonzo weary, and it truly scared him to think of it all.

" I would say that the procedure is much more safer than allowing the clots to dissolve on their on. Doing that isn't always guaranteed. And we certainly don't want PTS to develop."

Naomi nodded, and proceeded to ask the doctor more questions. Being her on her own with her anxious son, all while trying retain the information given to her made her nothing but overwhelmed. Her stress level was at an all time high.

Yet, she to keep herself together for the sake of her son. The last thing she needed for him to be was feeling like her.

The mother and son made their way back to their rented villa. Naomi made sure her son ate, and soon the young man was rested. That left time for the woman to reflect on her own, and potentially get herself some sleep.

She was startled when her the door open. Getting up, she saw Hassan coming through with his luggage. Her temper rose through the roof, and there was no point of holding it in. She felt as though Hassan needed to feel her wrath.

" Why are the fuck are you just now getting here? Did you forget about Alonzo's appointment?"

" Nah, I didn't forget...what did he say? Did they put on some medicine or something?"

" Why are you acting so damn causal about this Hassan? Do you think you missing on this shit was okay? Huh?"

" Look, I'm out here taking care of business. I'm protecting us, and making sure we're straight."

" Straight from what? You got us into some trouble or some shit?"

Hassan only rubbed his temple, not answering his wife. The woman repeated herself, pushing the man in the back as he turned away from her.

" What the fuck Naomi?"

" Don't turn around like I'm not fucking talking to you Hassan! Talk to me!"

" What? What do you want to hear? You wanna hear about how I got pulled in by 12 to be interrogated? You wanna hear about how I'm busting my ass tryna make shit work for us? I think you would be tired of hearing that."

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