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Before we start I would like to say if I get any details wrong please don't cancel me I;ve never been to London nor the jubilee line so uh bare with me-

Anyway Vote? :D

Clay was sitting his lonely large house with his elbows propped on the kitchen table his head in his hands.

The boy desperately wanted to be able to call an friend about but here he was sitting in his large kitchen holding back tears.

The blond sighed and pulled his phone out of his pocket speed dialing his mother's number wanting to be able to talk to someone. Someone anyone to make him feel less lonely.

He let's it ring through until the unwanted sound starts. "Hey this is Beth and you have reached my voicemail. Leave a message!" His mother's cheery voice replied.

He sighed again. Maybe his favorite parasocial relationships would make him happier for now.

(Stop this line was too relateable)

He hung up the phone and opened twitter. He hit the search bar typing in the name of his favorite streamer; Wilbur soot.

He clicked search and the first thing that popped up was a message about his new album he released. Clay was starting to get excited as he always loved Wilbur's music.

He opened spotify and clicked Wilbur's account. He then clicked the newest album.

'Your city gave me asthma' It read. It sounded interesting so he clicked play.

If only Clay knew what the song was about before he clicked it.

Northern and Waterloo and City Lines, and National Rail Services This train terminates at Stanmore" The lady over the speakers at the station says as some guitar kicks in.

The blond turned off his phone and put it down on the table. Closing his eyes and truly hearing the guitar melody that filled his ears.

"Wasting your time,

You're wasting mine,

I hate to see you leaving,

A fate worse than dying," Wilbur sang before more instrumentals kicked in.

"Your city gave me asthma" Wilbur sang and then Clay chuckled recognizing the words from the album name.

"So that's why I'm fucking leaving,

And your water gave me cancer,

And the pavement hurt my feelings," The blond listens more intently.

"Shout at the wall,

'Cause the walls don't fucking love you,

Shout at the wall,

'Cause the walls don't fucking love you," The blond really started to like the song as loud guitar strumming was audible.

He moved his head slightly in tune with the song.

"There's a reason,

That London puts barriers on the tube line

There's a reason

That London puts barriers on the rails

There's a reason

That London puts barriers on the tube line." These lyrics take the taller boy aback. The song was right! Many people probably used the tube line as suicide!

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