Flowers & Chocolate Part 2

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Fluff Warning

(Y/N)'s Pov

Camilo had brought me to a pretty hill spot somewhat close to the forest, a blanket spread underneath us as we were talking about ourselves some more, having some arepas and (favorite food)

"But don't get me wrong, I love helping people with my gift but eventually it gets so tiring you know?" Camilo asks, he was telling me about his point of view from his shape-shifting lifestyle.

"Of course, I'm sure you're whole family does at some point. So yea, I get what you mean." I say taking the last bite of my arepa.

He sighed looking at me, "You know I've always wondered what life would be like if I was just a normal kid, no gift or anything you know? Just...Camilo.."

I tilt my head, "When I look at you, I don't everyone you've shapeshifted into, I see a kind, goofy, selfless and caring guy. Gift or no gift, I see you.. out of all the people you can turn into, Camilo will always be my favorite. "

I caressed his face gently, "I wish everyone was as understanding as you.." he said slowly

"Or as genuine as you.." I said softly getting deeply lost in his eyes as I felt our bodies leaning in closer. "Close your eyes princesa.." he says

I did what he said and closed my eyes, my lips assumed the pucker up position, but I was confused when I felt something cold and hard meet my lips, it smelled like..


I opened my eyes to reveal Camilo pressing a piece of chocolate against my lips, I blushed red "Camilo!" I say letting the piece drop into my palm

He just laughed as I popped the chocolate in my mouth, "you know normally I would be mad that you tricked me..but I love chocolate."

Camilo grinned while still looking at me, "Good, and (Y/N) I don't know how you do it you still find new ways to look perfect doing just about anything.."

"Similar to what I like about you, you keep finding new ways to make me smile." I say meeting his gaze, once everything was back in the basket except the blanket still on the grass I didn't know if it was just me or there was music playing from afar?

"Do you hear music playing or am I loosing it?" I ask Camilo, he shrugged while getting up and said, "might just be you."

I raised an eyebrow, he laughed and shook his head, "I'm kidding I hear it too." Camilo stook out his hand to help lift me back up.

Once I was standing he was still holding my hand, he pulled me in close and put his other hand around my waist. "Can we dance?" He asked

I nodded "if you lead the way." He pulled me in and we danced following the music that was playing, boy is he good at this..

When we danced it felt like no one else was here in town, like it was just me and Camilo together under the moonlight..

The only 2 people on earth, this was more than enough for me. I just know I'll play this moment again and again.. until it becomes a beautiful memory

Every feeling this boy gave me was so intense but impecable. Camilo twirled me and pulled me back into his chest, at this point I trusted him enough to do anything.

He dipped me down as the music ended, here I was again admiring all his handsome features, I don't think I've ever felt this secure

I look passed him, "woah what's that over there?" He turns around but in doing so he looses balance and we both tumble over, luckily onto the blanket.

"Oh my god I was only trying to distract you for a minute." I breathlessly laughed, "I'm sorry are you okay?" I asked

Camilo lined himself up to have look down, his eyes parallel to mine, "I'm okay princesa, normally I would've seen this as payback but.. I kinda like this position.."

His green eyes went from mine to my lips and back, "I don't mind either.." I said caressing his brown curls, keeping my hand placed there.

The tension grew more intense, he leaned down closer until my eyes closed and his lips met mine. It felt like electricity rushing through my body, my heart was racing

I kissed back passionately running my hand down his chest, this feeling was indescribable. Camilo gently bit my lip, I moaned very slightly.

I felt him smile into the kiss, now both my hands were wrapped around him. After kissing my lips some more he moved them to my cheek, which gave me a clear view of the night sky.

"Camilo, it's getting late," I look to face him, "I should be getting home." I said, he looked at me biting his lip slightly and kissed me on the nose, "Of course cariño."

With that being said he got off me and helped me back up on my feet. I dusted off my dress, "I had so much fun with you Camilo."

"I did too (Y/N), now come on, let's get you home princesa."


We were finally standing in front of my front door, "I'll be seeing you around, okay?" He says to me, "okay cami, thanks again for everything really." I said with a sweet voice, "of course hermosa." He kissed my forehead but pulled away just in time.

Papa opened the door, "Oh good (Y/N) you're here, Camilo thank you for bringing her home safely."

"No problem señor, bye (Y/N)." Camilo says, "Bye Camilo."

Papa definitely made it clear he was looking after me and had his eye on Camilo. I did explain he could trust us both, but in his eyes, we could never be too careful.

Once I was finally ready for bed I was super tired, but a rush of happiness from the events of tonight brought a smile to my face, replaying our talk, our dance and our kiss in my head until I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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