different multiverse

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After a while walk in the dimensional Gap Rizevim was going in the one of the multiverse

one of the multiverse:

Rizevim; where i am at 

Trihexa; welcome this is one of multiverses 

Rizevim; what happened here 

 Trihexa; In this universe issei becomes a god dragon

Rizevim; how 

 Trihexa; he was bahamut 

Rizevim; never heard that name 

 Trihexa; because he is not at our universe

Rizevim; ok i am ready to see the next universe

Trihexa; ok 

Trihexa and Rizevim was teleported the next universes. back at the war in Romania sirzechs team and him are win the war but the same time losing there friends in the process 

sirzech; we need to get the leader of hero faction and we won the war 

issei; he was never in the khaos Brigade 

cao cao; true issei

issei; yep 

sirzech; ok but we need the wait for Rizevim 

issei; ok 

secord of the multiverse:

Rizevim; wow this universe is cool 

Trihexa; yep because issei is a dragon faction leader 

rizevim; so wait issei is the Chosen One of all multiverses and universes 

Trihexa; yep he is 

rizevim; teleport me back to us in our universe 

Trihexa; ok  

chapter 17- light and dark together

issei become a spy in the khaos brigade memberWhere stories live. Discover now