Face reveal

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After issei put rias coma he teleport back at the headquarters 

???; well done issei as my  promise can see me at my room

issei; ok i will be there 

issei went to the elevator to go to the room with the master so he could finally see his face for the first time.

issei; no way it can't be rizevim lucifer

rizevim lucifer; yea it me 

issei; i should of know it was you 

rizevim lucifer; you thought it was me 

issei; yea because vali told me about you

rizevim lucifer; ok but vali is my grandson and  you my new personal guard a.a.k my new padawan 

issei; why me 

rizevim lucifer; because i have some years left  because i am dying in the inside 

issei; what happend 

rizevim lucifer explain what happend doing the war with the three faction. he said 

rizevim lucifer; i was there fight against with a fallen angles and after my people was killed and i  killed one of the kinded.

issei; what did you do after that 

rizevim lucifer; well i was mad at myself because i felt i knew the truth so i decided to leave the faction made this organization 

issei; i understand 

rizevim lucifer; yea that why from the war to now i been 100 fight but 99th fight i got stab in the back. 

issei;  wow how did you survive 

rizevim lucifer; The doctor heal me but they said that i will won't survive at long as i wanted 

issei; oh that why you choose me as a new leader

rizevim lucifer yea

issei; ok 

Chapter 7; the awaken a new life 

issei become a spy in the khaos brigade memberWhere stories live. Discover now